I Finally Got to Draw This Cinnamon Roll!! Here's My Zenitsu Fan Art <3

Hello there beautiful people! :)

It's Saturday and I usually work but I decided to take the night off, so I got the chance to draw. :) I was thinking on who I am going to draw, but in the latest chapter of Kimetsu no Yaiba, there was a scene when Zenitsu looked so cute!

And because of that, I decided to draw this adorable cinnamon roll. Actually, he's also my favorite character in the said anime, aside from Giyuu. Although they are quite the opposite, I find both of them really amazing. I just can't decide who I like better, so yeah.

As usual, I did it digitally using my XP-Pen Drawing tablet and Paint Tool Sai. I hope you like it! <3


His color really reflects his bright personality. He's like a ball of sunshine!!! Despite saying that, he's actually a coward... but a cute one at that. lol Anyway, let me share to you the process of the artwork starting from the sketch and line art.





After the line art, I started coloring the art work starting from the facial features, then the base color before putting some shadows and highlights.








And after coloring, I put a background color and placed my username, signature and date today. Instead of placing a contrasting color as a background, I decided to stick with a bright one.


Of course, I didn't forget creating a gif version of the whole process. As you may know, this is really my favorite part. :)


That's it for my fan art this time. Sunday is usually my day off because our area is often noisy on this day, so it's not a good time to work... hopefully, I'd feel motivated to draw again tomorrow. Lately, it's difficult to find motivation to do anything. XD

Anyway, thanks a lot for checking this post out. I hope you enjoyed my fan art of the cinnamon roll, Zenitsu. See you again! Have a great one. <3

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