I’m Tambari but I’m Tammy most of the time, and that’s ‘cause a lot of people do not know how to pronounce my name. Tambari means “work of God” and truly, I am the work of God. I mean, a petite, beautiful and sexy girl who knows how much she’s worth (proud? well, if that’s what you call it😄). I’m a native of Khana an LGA in Rivers State, Nigeria.


I am 22 and unlike the vast majority of young people in Nigeria who are already living their best lives, I am only still trying to find my way around life and know what I truly want. Currently, I am a social media manager for a couple of brands, a starter in the marketing aspect of tech and a girl who loves her bed more than anything else in the world. Not to forget, I am a graduate of the University of Uyo. Going to school isn't the only path to success but I’m very happy I attended and I’m planning on getting more degrees.

Here is a list of things I love to do;

A lot of life challenges and the only thing I want to do is sleep through it all. I hate the feeling of having to go through difficult times or bad days or anxious days, so I just sleep through it all until I can get over it. My heart is too fragile to hold worries, worse a heartbreak. I don’t have the energy for that. So sleep is my best solution.
Growing up, I’ve been much of a giver and it has been an amazing experience watching people smile widely with joy in their hearts because I gifted them. I have plans of opening an Foundation that helps Orphans, Street kids, Teenagers, Old people and generally, everyone in need. It truly is a satisfying feeling helping people.
Eating Junks
This has to be one of the best things I love doing. The yumminess is heavenly and I’d pick junks over solid food any day. I don’t know if this is weird but I love it.
And of course, singing is one of my favorite things to do. Listening to music is great but singing is fantastic. I’m a lover of good music, I sing a lot but never in public (I’m too shy for that).

And here are things I'd love to learn or do; learn how to swim (people believe I should know how to swim because I’m from Rivers State), how to drive a car, how to play a violin, how to paint, travel a lot, practice yoga and hopefully sky diving too.

So, I’m here to discover and learn interesting things from people with different background. In my upcoming posts, I’d not be focusing on a particular topic but random educative, fiction and fun topics. Maybe my posts could be your answer to dealing with depression and making you see that life pressure isn’t worth taking space on your mind.
Finally, thank you very much @nelson-george for your guidance and introducing Hive to me. I think I’d love my time here.

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