Introducing myself to HIVE community.

Well it's been a while since HIVE started and I belive I'm a little late to get started on here. But as they say, "better late than never".


From the look of it, honestly, what I see is this community feels like one's own, like you're a member of a family equally as important as any other. Something which I never felt at steemit. I might be wrong, and haven't had much of an experience over here too but these are my vibes of it as I'm writing this post. I have recently posted my first blog on HIVE and I belive it's time for me to introduce myself to every member of this community.

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I would argue that it's this pandemic that has brought us all together, not just a community, not a nation, but the whole world. Something we're doing together to make sure that everyone of us living on this earth survives and defeats this common enemy. We have left behind all our differences, all the trash talks, racism, war, etc and are fighting together like one family. Yes, there are some exceptions where some people, or governments, are using this pandemic to suppress a community like that in India which has been targeting the Muslim community in this difficult time. But if we see the larger picture the world has come together and every person is trying to become more responsible in this epidemic.

This is something that I'm able to relate to the HIVE community. We have gone through a lot on steemit, good times, bad times, worst times, and our responsible users (witnesses) tried their best to keep the community alive in its every phase. Steemit was a great platform for us but with time they ruined it to the core and in this time HIVE is what gave us respite and some life. I hope that we stick together and build on the blocks laid and only grow with time, and if bad time comes on us we stay together, face it and come out better than before.


Anyway, introducing myself to you all, my name is Syed Ubair. I hail from a place that's called as paradise on earth, Kashmir. Talking about my education, after completing my bachelors in Electrons and Communication Engineering I opted for MBA to increase my managerial skills. I am in the second year of my masters and kind of stuck because of these unwanted times, although we are not helped by the internet shutdowns and the 4G blockade by the Indian government, but we are somehow managing to study on 2G network using the online resources to somehow make up for our loss. Hope this bad time passes fast on us and we move forward to a normal and a better life.

I have a strong penchant for cricket. I am a cricket lover and love the game too much. It is something that I have associated myself with since the early years of my life. Although I have not been as successful as I wanted but I am not losing hope and I am trying to do justice with what I'm blessed with. I was gifted, in fact I am gifted, but I belive I didn't do justice to what I have in me. I never thought of playing on a better level only because I had very little exposure and always felt that other guy is better than me because he is playing on a higher level, never realizing that I might actually do better than him.


I was 18 plus when I first attempted to go for trials in my district. Before that I never went for trials because I had heard that it's a waste of time. They pick the lads they want to pick and you are there only to waste a month of yours. I had heard that from a lot of senior players of my district and they didn't lie. It was the case but times have changed and corruption is not at the level as it was during that time. But my not going to the trials I never knew what kind of player I was or the level of my cricket. It was only after many years when I attempted to go for trails and I was selected from my district on the back of some good performances, I then had to play a few matches on zonal level and if performed would have been in the team. But luck wasn't on my side as we were inundated unfortunately. I did not try again, for which I was mad at myself, I lost the most precious time of my cricketing career.

I belive in those past years the things that have not helped me to focus was that I was thinking too much in what's gone and what is out of your control, things what you cannot change - the past. I lived in the past thinking of it too much that I would loose track of my present and future. I wouldn't focus on what's ahead of me or what I am supposed to do. I am glad that I have overcome this negativity. When you know what's wrong it is half the job done, you can then work on it but by bit.

Captained my university team successfully at the nationals for two years. Lead from the front to record first win for University in more than 10 years

Last year I tried to get back again and went for trials, I got selected and was in the camp to play 4 matches. Performance would've guaranteed me a spot in my state team but bad luck struck again, this time harder because I was closer to where I wanted to be. The government removed the 35A article and Kashmir has been in lockdown ever since. I don't know what's ahead of me, or ahead of us as a community, but I do know that I am not giving up and I will try every time harder than before, with more confidence, more positivity, hungrier and more passionate.

Apart from that, I'm a person who loves nature, animals, and people who are compassionate. Although I'm acrophobic but I have a dream of sky diving and I hope that some day with my friends I'm going to do that. I love to travel around and I hope to travel around the world and get to experience different cultures, societies, ethnicities, and people around the world. I hope to have a really good time here and connect to people around the world online until I go around raw. Thank you and stay blessed!

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