Heart Broken as a Doctor πŸ’”

Just like every other human on earth, heartbreak is what we will all have to experience at some point in life. As you may already know, my name is Precious, and I have been trying to implore mothers to name their newborns after their "Precious" Doctor, using these clichΓ© lines πŸ˜„:

*"Madame, I can feel your joy from a mile away, is not this child PRECIOUS to you?, have you chosen a name for this God sent?; I guess you know where I'm driving at already😁.

Just before I joined the Hive platform in January, I had delivered my first baby as a Medical Doctor via Spontaneous Vaginal Delivery (SVD); this was my 4th month being a Medical Officer. As you would guess, my heart was deeply immersed in joy and fulfilment as this (childbirth) was what was left to feel complacent and confident during my night shifts. I talked about it for days lol.

I had always had anxiety and prayed fervently to God to have anything but a case of labour during my call hours for obvious reasons, and my colleagues would make a different prayer asking our good Lord for the opposite to happen.

" who are these people?", "are they not supposed to be my friends?" "are they forgetting that if I do not sleep, they too wouldn't " πŸ˜‚ ; I would ask myself.

Well I can actually say I was fortunate to have just a handful (before this index delivery; and I always asked for assistance from my co-workers; they love helping to be fair).

Fast forward to the time for the bouncing baby boy to bounce out; the normal happened, the baby was delivered, and my question was tendered in a subtle tone:

...congratulations on your delivery, this baby looks healthy and beautiful. I could feel your joy from a mile away. Is not this child Precious to you? πŸ™‚ have you chosen a name for this God sent?

*Not yet oooo Doctor; she replied.

I think Precious would be a cute name for him, I really do. Think about it, you can suggest it to your husband aswell, he might roll with it. lol
she kept smiling and I was hopeful.*

Yesterday on my way to the OPD from seeing the admitted patients in the ward, I saw a woman sitted on a bench, pointing at me and talking to her little baby. This was weird because "does this baby understand english", "am I safe?" "am I the father of a random neonate?", "wetin dey occur?". When I got closer, then she called me Dr. Precious, this is Baby Precious, you delivered him"

Aghhhh! Fada (father in heaven), finally!
are you foreal?; I asked.
"Yes!" she affirmed. I was already celebrating in my head, only for her to say "I am joking, the baby's name is Joshua".

Joshua? Jos...? is that even a good name for an infant? I went from 101 to 98 in a trice.
I was heart broken πŸ™„πŸ’”(Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy; the BROKEN HEART SYNDROME).
Then I said to myself "we go again in the next delivery", I just want one, is that too much to ask for? I think not.

Well well, the baby is doing fine and is one cute little chubby human.


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