Frog Wasps

Hello friends,

Here today with a new breed of insane wasps! They hop, sting and have crazy long tongues! Thankfully that’s just a joke but still funny to think about! Got some nice pictures that were a little unexpected recently.

Frogs Legs

So the little one and I were out for a walk while @cmplxty was working and just hanging out near the blue poison pond when we saw something move!


There were two of the little fellas. I am almost positive the reason we are seeing almost none of them in the water. Most times there’s dozens of them talking in the water and on the shore but since they put the blue poison crap they haven’t been making any noise and we’ve seen a lot of them on the shore. Shame, really!



Not the fantastic women of World War II but the little critter that will sting the shit out of you! We were taking a bike ride when @cmplxty saw this crazy wasp nest in a tree! I’ve never seen one like that but he has once before in Maine. We stayed clear of it but wanted to snap a couple pictures of it!


It’s hard to see but there’s a guard at the entrance to it! Crazy stuff lol I didn’t think they were so vicious!


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Ssiena [A Hive original and exclusive]

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