My first deer EVER! Big Buck!!! [2021]


8 point buck

Now I have hunted most of my life following my dad around the woods as a kid when we went out.
First time we went out we were on some game lands walking the woods with an old 30-30.
And from there I was was hooked.
Hunting almost every season since I was old enough to shoot rifles.
Over time learning the basics and the ins and outs of hunting.
Jumping a few deer and almost shooting a few over the years hunting with my dad.
almost every time I go out on a hunt my dad is with me.
[Expect for this trip to the woods]
over the years me and my dad have hunted game lands and now have a better place.
Were we can make food plots, shoot house's and stands for those that hunt on the property.
The spot I got my buck we can no longer hunt there the property sold but we got a new spot.
That's bigger being almost 1,000 acres were this place was only 80 its a big upgrade for the season coming up.


For this hunt I got out to the farm around 3pm and sat for a few hours before dark.
the photo is not from that day but its the same view without the soybeans in the field.
While I was hunting I was on a call with @veteranforcrypto chilling as he was giving me advise on my hunt.
And just before dark vet told me to stay and walk down to the cut in the field.
So I walk down there got all the way past the left corner of the tree line.
Just about 75yds past the corner and about 30yds is when I looked left and saw him.
Mind you I'm still on a discord call with my buddies and I get excited and pull my rifle up to shoot.
And I miss him on the first shot he didn't move so I rechambered a Round shot a second time and nailed him.
Seeing him drop and the adrenaline was intense then my phone dies and lost a ear bud.
Frustrated with that I walk up he's laying there and notice that he only has one antler.
and that I nailed him in the head.
[I couldn't find the antler at this time]
Now I'm sitting in the middle of a field with my deer and no one to call.
By now it was almost dark when I took my shot it was right at sun down.
now I have to drag a deer across the whole field filled with soybeans.
It was a hard drag taking breaks every 20yds or so.
After dragging for about half way to my car I was exhausted.
and left him were I could go to my car charge my phone and get rope to help the rest of the way.


At this point it was dark out and made a phone call to my dad to get some help.
He got there in about 20 minutes got rope and walked down to were I shot him to find the antler.
And we did it was hanging in the tree kind of cool in my opinion.


After finding the antler and dragging the deer its time to head home and clean a deer.
Get home set up everything and start skinning the deer half way though my dad cuts himself
While skinning.
It's a good thing that I have my aid kit so I patched him up.
It was a bad cut he had to go to the ER that night.
Had to finish by myself but at this time I got my phone charged and was back on discord with vet.
I've skinned deer before but I always had my dad there to help and guide but vet helped when my dad left.
Now having vet help with this was awesome. He was with me from the time that I got out there till the time I was done processing my deer.
At the end of the night I was done putting all the meat in the fridge for the next day process.
All in all this is one of the best days I've had in a while and a dream complete.

thank you for reading

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