A day with my crush

Years ago when I commenced photography, I was asked to attend my cousins school party to take them pictures, fortunately for me my best friend was graduating that day so I took pictures of her and I also took pictures with her. After a while of taking pictures with her a very young girl came and asked if she could take pictures with my best friend and my best friend answered “definitely you can” and I took the image, minutes later the same girl walked up to me and asked how she could get the image and she asked if WhatsApp is okay? and I told her that’s perfect and we exchanged names and numbers from that second, her name is Princess . After the fun filled day, it was time for me to edit the images I had taken during the day and while doing that a message came in from the girl I took images of earlier that day asking if the images were ready and I told her I was about to commence, she was patient enough to wait for me to be done with it so she could post and from that day henceforth we began texting regularly.

A day came when I was in need of a model or literally anyone to take image of and I texted her to find out if she was available and she said yes she was so I fixed a date and shared the location of the shoot . We eventually had a successful shoot that day and we had fun hanging out after the shoot. Days passed by and we were still conversing well, we even waxed stronger to the point of gaining trust in each other that we could tell things to each other without fear but then I didn’t feel a thing for her. So whenever I needed a model she was always available and we were always producing magical images and having good time shooting.

Sometime last year when she told me she had broken up, I felt bad for her but didn’t have the intentions of dating her cause I still didn’t feel anything but a faithful day came when another creative had a shoot with her which I assisted by holding the reflector, he then asked why she was scared to pose but she was too shy to talk and she kept starring at me and smiling, then he asked if we were dating and we both said no at the same time funny enough from that second I began crushing on her but didn’t want to believe it was true. We kept on hanging out, having shoots, taking selfies, creating memories till a day I spilled out my feelings to her and she concurred that it was a mutual feeling but it couldn’t work because of distance, I felt so bad but I had to respect her decision but we are very good friends now and I strongly believe that some day we would eventually be together. Here’s one of the best image I have taken of her;


Here are my settings on the Canon 1100d;
ISO: 100
Aperture: f/1.8
Shutter Speed: 1/500 sec
Focal length: 50mm
Edited in Photoshop Cc 2015

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