Three UFO Videos Officially Released By The Pentagon


UFO phenomena is not a new topic. For over 70 years, there have been reported cases of UFO activity worldwide. It is generally thought that the UFO phenomena started after the infamous Roswell incident in 1947.

If you don't know about it, well, it is the most blatant coverups by the government about a crashed UFO in Roswell, New Mexico. Initially, it was reported that a UFO had crashed there. However, after the military got involved, it was reported that it was "just a balloon".

I personally think that it was the real deal. There are so many reports by credible people during that time that point to it being a real UFO incident. Since then thousands upon thousands of UFO incidents have been reported.

But until now, no conclusive proof has been established. At least that is what we are told by the governments of the world. Now, the US military has officially released three videos of a UFO.

Are They Really Here?

The US military is calling this an "unidentified aerial phenomena". But whatever they call it, it is clear that it is some sort of a flying craft. The Commander who was present during the chase has said that the craft moved in a way that broke all laws of Physics.

If there is something in the universe that can do that, it is probably alien technology. Of course, even they can't break the laws of Physics but their technology may be so advanced that we only "think" that what we saw did.

These videos were previously made public by The New York Times in 2017. There was a lot of interest and buzz at that time too. However, the official release has caused many to now start questioning if aliens are really here.

It is possible that they have more videos or knowledge about these crafts. It is also possible that they know everything and are merely covering it all up. I, for one, think that since 1947 at least, there have been real UFO incidents amid mostly fake ones. It is surely an interesting time to be alive.

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