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One year is leaving and another year is coming

Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem All Praise be to Allah the Almighty Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu How are you all I hope you are all very well in the infinite mercy of the great Lord Almighty,

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I know how bad you have done this year, how much good you have done, how much bad work I have done, how much good work you have done, and my God knows that you have done well Many died in the Corona epidemic in a very bad way. Many people could not work properly because of Corona. Then people had a lot of trouble with food and drink. .
Anyway, happiness, sorrow, laughter, tears, all together, we have passed the year 2021. From our lives, we have to walk the path of new year again, starting from tomorrow. We hope to walk the path of another year of our life. I will pray that he will always keep us healthy and keep us in peace so that we can always be good and you must always try to follow the rules and principles of the great Lord Almighty. Try to perform circumcision. Try to stand by the side of the poor and miserable people. Try to help the helpless people a little. Then you will see that the great Lord Almighty will fill your life with blessings. In 2022, I will not harm anyone, I will not harm anyone, I will always try to be by me I can always be engaged in good deeds for the benefit of some people because Allah is pleased with good deeds and you will always try to pray five times I will also try to pray 5 times to do good deeds then maybe something good will happen in our life inshallah everyone is well and healthy Wishing you well, I will say goodbye here like today, I will appear in front of you again with something new.

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