Nice To Meet You all! Introductory Post of @Ruffa

Hello everyone, sorry for barging in just like that. The gate is wide open as if it is inviting me to get in here and spread darkness - just kidding hihi. OMG, I don't really know where to start. I feel like I am in a job interview right now because my mind is blank and just can't think of what to say. I need to gather my thoughts and start saying my piece right? OMG!

Hmmm, this is the first time that I will post here but I am a member since March. I don't know what's on my mind before that I didn't push this one. But there's three things why I didn't continue using this after registering, one; I'm a lazy af, 2; I didn't know how this one works and 3; I'm svck when it comes to time management šŸ™ˆ. But, I hope I'm still not too late to start my journey here so I'll try my best to really work this one.

So this is an introductory post so I just want to introduce myself....

Hello I am Ruffa from I'm not sure if you're familiar with that but that is a cryptoblogging site also and that's where I started my journey as a Content Creator. I'm still an amateur actually, even though I've been writing for a year and 2 or 3 months now I still call myself an amateur. I write just anything, I write story, I write about myself, my Personal Experience in Crypto World and I write mostly just nonsense.

I'm not really good in English but I'm learning little by little. My grammar is not a top-notch but I think it's still understandable. I know that there are tools to improve my grahams and my English like Grammarly but I'm too lazy to use that because I think it's a hassle for me and it I think it will just be a hurdle of my typing and I can be easily annoyed so I just drop the thought of using that.

You know, never in my wildest dream that I can be a content creator as per @pvmihalache - coz I called myself a writer but it should be a content creator yeah. It never occur to me that I can be one. But I tried, I try and now here I am still writing. I actually dream before to be a writer of story and that is happening now thanks to I started there, with zero knowledge in writing (and still zero though, lol) but I have a few ideas now.

I like now what I'm doing aside from I can earn from (just being honest hihi) I also love the feeling when some people say something beautiful about my piece. It makes me happy, it makes me more motivated. I also love it when because of my article I can give them a laugh. I just cant help myself sometimes putting my lamest joke in my article, my green mindedness and all. They appreciate it and that actually is a big boost to my confidence to create more of it.

I don't know how to end this but let me tell you something random about myself. I love to eat, I enjoy it so so so so much and I have a lot of crushes even though I'm already 27 year old. Who said crushes is just for a teen? That is so untrue because look at me, I'm the living evidence, hahaha rawrrrrrrrrr. Another thing, I'm actually unemployed and only experience working for one day. I had to stop because of some reason so yeah.

I'm living with my Moms now and I'm the one doing mostly the house chores here. I don't feel like working yet and my oldies is important to me so I will just take care of them and think of my future when time comes.

So, I hope I'm welcome here and to more crushes to come!!! šŸ™ˆšŸ˜ššŸ˜š, I mean to more article to come? šŸ™ˆ


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