Recommendations for following quarantine

Books to quarantine.

Hello friends, today I am going to tell you about books, if those objects that are a treasure that today are undervalued, the material that I am going to comment on is a list of some books that can be read in this current quarantine situation, the list of Nine recommended books to read in quarantine, not all of which deal with a pandemic or disease, but nonetheless explore aspects of the human condition in different states of isolation, so if you got here prepare yourself a coffee and make yourself comfortable because this is going to be very interesting.

Number 1, the plague, is a book that has been related to the current situation, in the strict sense the Albert Camus plague is not a book that talks about a pandemic, but about a well-known epidemic in the West, which is in this case the plague, the plague is a contemplative novel that calls for reflection on the volatility of the lifestyle we lead and how different people can find meaning in their lives in a context of crisis, the plague is in my view a hopeful novel , which infects us with an attitude that always seems to me to have to be present in these moments.

Number 2, Essay on blindness, Essay on blindness takes place from the perspective of those affected, although in this case it is not a real disease, but a disease called white blindness, which makes people blind, In this way, Saramago focuses on a group of anonymous infected people who, after losing their sight, must fight for their own survival in a world that is gradually heading towards the apocalypse, unlike the plague, 'trial on blindness' is a pessimistic novel where man is a wolf to man as the level of contagion increases, which leads the authorities to give subhuman treatment to infected patients, opening a possible simile with other historical episodes such as the Nazi holocaust or apartheid.

Number 3, Robinson Crusoe, Robinson Crusoe must be the best-known novel Daniel Defoe and if you have not read it, something of it must be heard because it is always very present in the popular imagination and has served as inspiration for films such as The Castaway, but in short, the novel tells the story of Crusoe's shipwreck and as he arrives on an island that he conveniently calls the island of despair, together with him three animals survive the captain's dog and two other cats that would be his new company, thus like those of many lonely people lacoste or even trying to make their stay on the island more than a mere survival looking for weapons, tools and other supplies, the wreckage that still remains afloat, however, even soon realizes that the island it inhabits is visited by cannibals who come there to kill and eat their prisoners; the protagonist then plans to kill them for committing an abomination, but then realizes that he has no right to do so since the cannibals do not knowingly commit a crime, so Robinson later befriends a prisoner who manages to escape and names him Friday because it was the day of the week that he rescued him.

Number 4, The Martian, the novel Andy Weir famous for the movie that bears his name starring Matt Damon, in a way the story has a lot of Robinson Crusoe only that it takes place on Mars, when a NASA mission in red planet goes wrong and leaves Matt Damon abandoned, here we see isolation at its best, except that due to some technological ruse the astronaut comes from a communication with the earth that allows him contact with other human beings, however, the problems we They make you wait and I imagine, we feel very lucky when for example you feel that you lack food at home and despite everything, you just have to go to the supermarket, the novel at the end continues interesting reflection on human solidarity.

Number 5, The Decameron, another of the books that talks about the plague is precisely that of Decameron, a title that in ancient Greek means a ten-day event, the book is one of the most famous representations of Gothic literature, technically it is a set of one hundred stories framed by a central plot in which a group of seven women and three young men take refuge on an isolated road on the outskirts of Florence to escape the black plague that the city inflicts, to entertain themselves these ten young people invent a game where each one can be king for a day choosing the topic on which the others have to tell the stories, the stories are very varied, but mostly they are about love, intelligence, human and fortune in a certain way of Decameron it can be summed up as a kind of triumph of human ingenuity over tragedy.

Number 6, The 120 Days of Sodom, this is undoubtedly one of the best known works of the Marquis de Sade, the film based on this book is not good with the book itself, it seems to me that it subtracts some universality from the book, I think that the work of Sade the villains are more dangerous and more common than the fascists; and it is that the current circumstances show that it can be anyone with a certain economic power and social influence, as has been denounced in recent times great orgies paid by members of the Hollywood film industry where all kinds of excesses, finally Sade's work tells the story of four men members of the top of French society, specifically an aristocrat, an ecclesiastic, a banker and a judge who decide to unleash all their passions for 120 days in a castle From Switzerland, for this they hire and kidnap a group of young people and children to do all kinds of things with them, it seems repugnant to you, because Sade also thought about it and in fact described his work as the most impure story that has been told since the world began.

Número 7; Edipo rey de Sófocles, Edipo es el hijo del rey y la reina de Tebas, sin embargo, una maldición había caído sobre su padre en tiempos pasados, de tal manera que cuando Edipo nació el oráculo le dijo al rey tu hijo te matará y se casara con tu esposa, de esa manera Edipo es llevado a vivir muy lejos, pero cuando estás entrado el rumor de que es adoptado emprende la peregrinación para descubrir la verdad, en el camino sin embargo se encuentra con su padre el rey, con quien tiene una disputa que termina con la muerte del monarca, completos así la primera parte de la profecía sin que Edipo lo sepa, luego de Edipo llega a Tebas y se encuentra con una bestia alada que tras un acertijo lo convierte en rey y le ofrece la mano de la reina viuda y no me pregunta por qué, son cosas de griegos.

Number 8, life and dreams, the masterpiece of Pedro Calderón de la barca also presents us with a state of isolation in Segismundo, a crown prince who is imprisoned in a tower because a reading of stars revealed to his father, the king that he would dethrone him and
would rule as a tyrant, however his father tries to do an experiment and free him for a moment to see if he fulfills the part or not, if the prophecy is fulfilled, if Sigismund is fulfilled he will be king, but if They will not make you believe that your release was just a dream.

Number 9, The Scarlet Plague, is a post apocalyptic fiction novel written by Jack London.The story takes place in the year 2073, long after an uncontrollable epidemic that has depopulated the planet after killing people 30 minutes after seeing the first symptoms, by then very few humans are left and live in a kind of primitive existence organizing themselves into tribes and leading a life as hunter-gatherers, in this context, the protagonist Jjames Smith becomes the last human to remember what life was like before the plague.

I wanted to end this book because although it sounds exaggerated to give it some current circumstances it could suddenly be prophetic in the face of other pandemics and that is that one never knows and that is why it is necessary to value our normality because as Camus said in the plague, “the natural is the microbe , the rest, health, integrity, purities, if you want are a result of the will, of a will that must never stop ”

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