Introduce My Self

11232131_10204149325073984_2126118450063422756_o.jpgGood evening of the Hivean/Hiver spread around the world, introduce my full name Resyi Azhari, I came from Aceh-Indonesia. This is my first post on the Hive platform, so I feel the need to introduce myself.

I am a typical person who likes to learn new things, I also like to try to do different professions. Therefore I have done some professions with the background of curiosity that I have. For that reason I joined some comunity, because I believe I have a little understanding of each of the hyper posts in each community.

259799_157295891009576_3559095_n.jpgFor example, the profession I have ever done is I am a photographer, the profession as a photographer is a profession handed down by my parents, so that when my age is still my children have helped in that profession. Then I also as a songwriter, the profession was also I did because since my childhood hobby of singing, when I was middle-educated I began to dabble in making songs, until eventually I became a songwriter at the time of my age of 22 years.

11390145_10204149316473769_4914573884292823670_n.jpgWhile creating a song, I also worked as a cameraman. As a cameraman I often took orders from other production houses to take movie videos or video clip-making songs. I'm also a director, I've made short films and long movies, but I also often help directing movies from other production houses when I'm a cameraman.

188341_129493560456476_7373020_n.jpgMy next profession is to become a journalist, that profession I do because I am very curious how to work a journalist in search of a news, and I also feel that being a journalist is very great because we know the officials, the people of rank and others. A journalist would usually be a scary snoof for an official, but I am different from that.

I'm also a Radio Announcer, I've been a Announcer on one of my city's private radio stations, being a radio broadcaster is also a fun profession as it has a lot of fans.

In addition to the profession of photographers, songwriters, cameraman, journalists, Radio Announcer, and some other professions that I have not had time to explain, I was an educational performer and a staff of informatics personnel in an office. All of those professions will explain in detail in every subsequent post.

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