My Introductory Post: The Start of Something New

To live in solitude is what I always wanted.

I was born with an introverted personality, but as time goes by, I am slowly learning how to socialize given the profession I’m pursuing.

Originally Edited Using ToonMe and Canva App

My name is Ruby, and I am an ambivert, though my introvert side is way more dominant.

I am currently studying in a private institution in our province here in Pangasinan, Philippines, as an incoming 4th year college student, taking up Bachelor of Secondary Education.

As a book lover since I’ve learned how to read in my elementary days, I always feel connected with any form of literature, may it be poetry, prose, and drama. There’s a part of me that always craves for something that’s beyond reality, and literature opens the door for me to enter the world of fiction.

I do love reading a lot but aside from that, I also love writing poems and stories. So far, I can’t remember how many poems and stories I’ve written, and those were luckily published in our school paper when I was in high school, together with the news and feature articles I’ve written.

Moreover, aside from reading and writing, I am also a music lover. Apart from being an avid listener of great music, I also love playing soothing sounds through my Kalimba instrument. I’ve learned how to play this one when I was in high school and it became part of my hobby up until now.

What I love with this instrument is that it is very easy to learn and the sound coming from it is very pleasing to hear as it sounds like a music box.

On the other hand, as someone who lives in a province where nature is my safe haven, I am a certified plantita ever, something I was influenced by my mom and dad who love planting a lot.

My mom loves to plant ornamental plants, while my dad is more into planting trees and crops.

During these days, I spend most of my time taking care of my 4-months old nephew, and I really enjoy it despite how tiring it is to cope-up with his tantrums. With just his smiles and soft giggles, all of my tiredness fades away, and I can’t wait to see more of what he can do as he grows up.

As a newbie here, I hope everything goes well as time goes by, despite the unfamiliarity I’m feeling right now. Someone recommended this platform to me before and this is just time that I feel the courage to sign up and introduce myself to you. I hope we can be friends later on.

Thank you for reading!❤️

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