My Achievements on Hive.Blog


Hello Hive users all over the world. Let me introduce my self to all of you in the OCD Community.

And My name is Muhammad Radhi Fahmi who is often called Radhi and my hive account name is @radhees. I was born in 2000 and now 22 years old. When remembering time and age is very fast, if not used properly then age will run in vain.

I found out about this hive platform from one of my friends who has been active on this hive platform for a long time, namely @akhyar23. He explained a lot of things and rules that exist on this hive platform so that now I have understood many things that are on this hive platform.

Alhamdulillah, with the opportunity and health, I was able to study at a high level, namely up to college. With effort and prayer I was able to continue to college. With the obstacles that I face, Alhamdulillah, in 2022, I will be able to get a bachelor's degree.


After finishing high school, my parents told me to go to college. At first I refused to continue to college, because when I was in high school I intended that after I finished this I wanted to go to the Koran or seek further religious knowledge.

But my plan didn't come to fruition because God wanted to go another way. But even though I can't go to the Islamic boarding school, I'm still excited to go through the days.

As the first child in the family, it is not easy to be responsible for my family when my father dies.


I am the first child to have saida 4 people 2 girls and 2 boys and plus me one person became 3 boys.

I was born from an underprivileged person, not the child of a civil servant official or the son of someone who has a high position, but I am a farmer's son who has to make fortune under the hot sun.

My daily life at home is raising goats which were given by the government at that time for the underprivileged. Thank God I got the goat in 2015. With the goat it has become one of my economics, both in the field of family and in education.

With the help of the goat, I got a little relief in continuing to go to college. Thank God, until 2022, I still keep the goat that was given.


On this great occasion I would like to join this hive. So that the burden on my parents to pay for my college becomes a little lighter if at the end of the semester a lot of money goes out to write a thesis.

With the support of my brothers and sisters, I can quickly understand how to play this hive. Please and help and brothers and sisters.

This is just my brief introduction to all of you.


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