Our First Introduction To Hive

Hello everyone!
We are friendly and fun Vietnamese people.
Today is a special day for us, the day we started the first words to build a place to store the memories and precious moments of two people. Where we will show our views, personality, and love to the world.
We believe Hive is not only a place where we can share precious moments in life but also help preserve beautiful memories.
Thank you @dodovietnam for bringing us here to experience great things.

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My full name is Doan Xuan Quyet. Currently, I am a Bridge System Engineer. I was born in 1997 in Hai Duong, a province of northern Vietnam. When I was a child, I lived with my grandparents and separated from my parents.

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Because at that time, my hometown was still a poor city, mainly people worked in the fields. Because of low income, my parents had to leave their hometown to go to the South to earn a living.
When the war in the South had ended for a while, the Vietnamese government had a policy of allowing northerners to go to the South to clear wasteland for farming, it was called the "new economy".
My childhood was associated with rice fields, ponds, and narrow village roads. In the afternoon, when I come back from school, I play catch with friends, play marbles, folk games are very fun.

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In Vietnam, we were divided into 12 classes and 1st grade was from 6 years old and after finishing 5th grade, I moved to the south, away from the village to live with my parents. Because my grandparents at that time were over 70 years old, they couldn't take care of me anymore.

The place I moved to is Gia Lai province, where it is surrounded by mountains and forests and there are big streams. My parents live there doing farming, mainly growing crops such as sugar cane, corn, cassava root... and then selling them to traders.


I go to school in the morning and in the afternoon I will pay wages to help my parents work, most of the children there are like that.
In the south, it is divided into two seasons, the rainy season and the dry season. In the rainy season, sometimes there are heavy rainy days, the water in the streams is fast and high and we can't go home. Remembering those times was scary.
My school is 11km from home, and I go there by bicycle. When I lived, there were still red dirt roads, but there were still no asphalt roads like now. The atmosphere in my hometown has always been wonderful and I miss that feeling very much.

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When I finished 12th grade, I didn't go to university in Vietnam. At that time, in my hometown, there was a trend to study abroad in Japan. My parents also saved a amount of money and sent me to study in Japan. Because there is no Japanese language center in Gia Lai, I returned to Hai Duong city to study Japanese for about a year.
Then I went to Japan in 2016 in Shin-Koiwa, Tokyo. I continued to study Japanese at Sun-a International Academy for 2 years.
After that, I studied the Information processing department at Japan Electronics College.

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Because my family is not well off, my parents help me pay for my first year of school, and in the following years, I have to work part-time to pay for my studies.
I study in the morning at school, in the afternoon, and at night work part-time. I have also worked many jobs such as serving at a ramen shop, distributing goods at Yamato delivery services company, being a chef at Soba noodle shop, working at a laundromat, a lunch box factory.
Because I know that I will not be in Japan for long, so besides the times when the school organizes to visit, I also earn money to go to a few places in Japan. I really had very interesting experiences, both happy and sad.

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At the end of 2019, I returned to Vietnam to work in Da Nang. I work as a bridge engineer for a startup company working with Japanese customers. I continued to start over again, getting used to everything and making many friends in this city.


So this year I am 24 years old, I have lived 12 years in the north, 6 years in the south, almost 4 years in Japan, and now for more than 2 years in Da Nang, a central province of Vietnam.


I find Da Nang to be a very livable city. My dream is to have a house of my own, to have a vegetable garden, but I think in order to do that, I have to try harder.
But perhaps the most important and luckiest thing is that I found my love, I found her in Da Nang. And now I am very happy and happy every day here.


I'm from Ly Son island - which is considered a paradise in the middle of the sea. I am currently a final year student at Da Nang University of Science and Technology. I am a young person of the generation-gen Z, love nature, and life's vibes, and I was really impressed by the first time I saw the articles on Hive.


My hometown is a small island, with mountains, the sea, and people like me. This is an island formed from the eruption of volcanic lava, which has created interesting natural landscapes.

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My childhood was associated with shallot and garlic plants. This is one of the main agricultural crops in my hometown.

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I still remember vividly, when I was in primary school, there was no electricity in my hometown, only kerosene lamps were used for lighting. No electricity, no internet, but I had a perfect childhood. After school, my friends and I roam everywhere. We frolicked, played chase on the wide sandy beaches, in the distance, the waves hit the shore. Or every summer afternoon, we invite each other to the forest to pick wild berries and dig up potatoes. At night, we gathered around the oil lamp to listen to stories from the past, about ghosts that my parents used to tell.

After graduating from high school, I went to Da Nang city to study at university. This is where I have the most experience in life, new environment, new people, and new culture shock. However, this is where I can learn, discover more about the beauty of nature, expand my worldview about life.

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I like sports very much, I always make time to play sports every day. I feel stronger and happier after every volleyball and soccer game with my friends.

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In particular, here I met my partner who has the same interest in exploring nature and food. It's great to have companions who have the same things in common.

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Why did we come to Hive?
We are both young and currently doing different jobs so we are always looking for something in common for both of us. That will represent both of us, helping us bond and understand each other better than. It can save the beautiful moments and memories of both. We thought about why the two of us didn't set up a joint social media account. It fulfills all the things we are looking to do.
It helps to save the precious time that we, our children, our loved ones revisit whenever. It's amazing that we can be part of the Hive community-Where we can experience online the beauty of nature, amazing people, and cultural diversity around the world.
This could be a means to do that. We have researched quite a few other famous social platforms but because of the recent bad news about them, we are really worried. Are the things we want really safe and make us really believe when using those social networks? After learning about Hive's technology and ideas, we believe that this is exactly what we are looking for.

What we will do with Hive
We will have joint articles together, expressing common views, and will also have separate articles sharing each person's views and interests.
We want to share a positive outlook on life, about what we young people should have. Above all, it is the images of everyday life, nature, and the vibes of life. Especially, we want to bring Vietnamese culture, tradition, and cuisine to everyone.

We thank you for reading this article. This is our first time, it may not be perfect yet. We will try harder and hope this article will bring good value to the community. Wish you have a nice day.

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