Gods creative wisdom and intelligence

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Who creates heaven and Earth? God. How create the moving creatures? God. What about the oceans and the mountains? The plants of different species were created by who? God in his intelligence made everything we see today possible. And above all, he created man in his own image. God's intelligence can't be explored. However, let's see the message the Almighty God passed in Ecclesiastes 12: 1-14
The first verse of the scripture says

"Remember now your Creator in the days of your youth, Before the difficult days come"

The intelligence of God makes his words creative. He speaks in parables. He wants us to be intelligent because he created us in his own image. From that verse, he's telling us to move closer to him and do his will. When he says "in the day of your youth", it doesn't mean when we are still young. It goes a long way, and I would unfold that as I proceed.

Every word spoken in Ecclesiastes 12: 1-14 talks about one thing with several emphases. In verse 6, it says

"Remember your Creator before the silver cord is loosed, Or the golden bowl is broken, or the pitcher shattered at the fountain, or the wheel broken at the well".
When the silver cord is lossed, things have gone wrong. When the bowl is broken, it's no more useful. When a man is dead, there's no more hope of living again, because a dead man cannot control his spirit. We can only control ourselves when we are still alive that's why the scripture emphasized on doing the right thing at the right time, and what's the right thing God talked about intelligently in the scripture?
This takes us to verse 7

"Then the dust will return to the earth as it was, and the spirit will return to God who gave it"

Man was made from dust and the dust is found on the earth. So according to this verse, God is telling us that the man he created must die, and his body would go down to the Earth (buried). The dust is not useful, which implies that our body is not valued. The only thing that is of uttermost importance is the breath of life God gave man, and that is the spirit that would return to the giver (GOD)

So what's the duty of man

Since man was created by God as a spirit man, they are obliged to live according to the rules of the creator that gives the life. As a parent, we would not be happy if any of our children refuses to follow the rules we give them in the family. We spank them when they misbehave because we believe we give birth to them and we are their keeper. Just as we feel when our children go astray, God feels more embittered, and he has his way of punishing his children that would not listen to his words, so the duty of a man is to listen to the voice of the Lord by obeying all his commandments.
Verse 13 says

Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God and keep His commandments, For this is man’s all.

The only thing expected of a man is to fear God and keep his commandment. When God said we should remember our creator in the day of our youth, he's telling us to live as he has stipulated before we die. The youthful used means when we are still alive. It doesn't matter how old we are.
In conclusion, let's see what verse 14 tells us

For God will bring every work into judgment, Including every secret thing, Whether good or evil.

It is written that after death, it's judgment. All the parables God was using is to tell us that the spirit will one day return to him the creator and he would ask questions about how we make use of it, whether it was used for good or evil, and judgment would be passed according to what we merit, for it is written that whose ever name is not found in the book of life shall be thrown into the lake of fire.

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Once a man dies, and he's found guilty on judgment day, there's no repentance. It would be too late, and he would be cast away, so remembering all this while we are still alive is vital, and doing God's will would help us to be on the good side after death.

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Finally, if you are Muslim, pray 5 times daily to get the lahada God promised his worshippers and keep a clean heart. As a christian too, pray, read your bible and be at peace with people. We all believe in what we serve. The other religions should also keep the commandment. No one is 100% sure of what would come after death because we've not beign there. Only the dead can say much about the after life. I just want to say that we should keep a clean heart and live a good life.

Thanks to @chillwithshanna for the warm welcome and help. I appreciate it and it gave me the vibe that I will make more friends as time goes by. And besides, I was able to get some clues via the links from the welcome comment which I love. It would keep me going.

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My name is joycee. I studied computer science and I have diverse handwork which I'm good at. Aslo, I do politics and I'm from Nigeria. Thank you all. With love Joycee.

I took the images from a free site like pixabay and free stock photo. Reference to the sites.

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