Milk Challenge - Day Four: "Milky Abstract Aural Bits"

“Everything Udder The Sun”

A wife asks her husband:
¿Could you please go shopping for me and buy one carton of milk and if they have avocados, get six!?

A short time later the husband comes back with 6 cartons of milk.

The wife asks him:
¿Why did you buy 6 cartons of milk?

He replied:
Well, they had avocados!!

«-Everyone Under Accowntability-»

¡Cow-moo-flages for the Steeem Cowncil!

A man walks into a library and asks for a pint of milk.

The librarian says: Hey! this is a library!!

The man then whispers: Sorry! ...a pint of milk please?!

¿Got anything to cownteract this?

“Milk Up Your Mind Bro”

One morning a steemian farmer was trying to milk a cow but the cow kicked the bucket over, spilling milk everywhere back inside the pool.

He then sets the bucket back up and again the cow kicks the bucket. This happened 3 more times. After 5 unsuccessful attempts to milk the cow, the steemian farmer comes up with a brilliant idea.

He ties the cow's leg to his leg, to prevent the cow from kicking over the bucket. The third time around the barn, the steemian farmer knew this was a big mistake. (EIP-DVs)

“Yep! this was no cowincidence”

"Cowntless miscowculations encowntered"

Q.- What do you get when you cross a greedy octopus and a cow?
A.- A sea mammal that can milk itself.

Two cows in a blockchain field...
One says: “Moo!”
The other says: “Hey! I was going to say that too”

¿Have you been 'amoosed' enough?

¡Alright! then let's cowordinate way more cowhesion & cowoperation for a thrilling, thriving and peaceful MILKING cowexistence here. ¿Okay?

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Cranky Gandalf


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