We found a wild Almond nut tree today!

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A lonely school bus, as the schools are all closed!

We are all supposed to stay in isolation due to the new virus, but there is no virus in nature and I cannot endure to sit between brick walls in a room every day. So we go where no one goes and we become one with nature.
Come and have a look!


I heard the swing crying because there were no kids around.

And here is our surprise find!


Looks like some kind of bush doesn't it?


Marian (my wife) saw the fruits first and an excited call "Almonds" went up Lol.


Oh yes! A clutch, or several untouched clutches of Almond nuts were staring at us!


Of course we picked a few of the nuts to cure at home.


Evidence in case you don't believe that it's Almond nuts Lol.


Yes, the nuts are still wet and green, but with a good heat treatment they will soon be ready!


This is one of the rivers that flows directly from the mountain, clean and fresh water where the birds drink and they must have planted the almond trees!


A place where wild squirrels, birds and snakes hunt for food in the tree tops!


Finally here's the mountains not too far away!

And That's All Folks!

We are ordered to stay away from crowds of people. Everything including the universities and businesses are closed and for a change the government is on the ball by controlling a nationwide information and treatment system.

Nature offers us no danger, as far as the virus is concerned; and it is a welcoming place to go and spend some time in isolation. No doubt, care must be taken whenever one encounters other souls, but we take care to give everybody a wide berth.
We don't like crowds in any case, and so we are quite happy and comfortable on our own.

Note: All photos are my own, freshly taken today.
The photos are unedited and only cropped for uploading purposes.
Camera used; Canon Powershot SX60HD.

We hope that you have enjoyed the pictures and the new find, and thank you for visiting @papilloncharity


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