Only boats allowed to swim here now!

The intricacies of professional fishing!

Lockdown has closed the beaches to the joy of birds and boats, hahaha!

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The intelligence of seabirds can never be underestimated!

We popped down to the ocean again today once the clouds have cleared. As the beaches are closed, we stood on the promenade and a very unusual sight was waiting for us. Where there are normally people swimming around, there was none, but in its place was a boat with twin Yamaha motors. But what was this guy doing? Come and have a look!

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What? There's normally many children playing here in the shallows, but today there was this boat that confronted us! What was that guy doing with a lace curtain? Did his wife send him out to do the washing? Lol.

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No, that was a net and the guys were catching small fish to use as fishing bait for the big fish. Keep an eye on that bird!

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How's that? The bird scored a fish and he was off before the other birds saw him!

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Right, they were done and preparing to take off on their trip!

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I could have ended the post here and pray for big upvotes, but it's more important to do a decent post and to also show you some zoom power!

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Look slightly to the right of the two fishermen at the left and you will see where the boat was at this stage!

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Here's a closer look as the boat passed between two canoe fishermen. Zoom 1.

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Another shot as the boat traveled into the distance!

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A closer look at the boat. Zoom 2.

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There's the boat at the tip of the fisherman on the left's fishing rod!

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I closed in on the boat here for my final zoom. Zoom 3!

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Finally, this guy has an inflatable and his bike on a trailer. What a way to be kitted out for some ocean fun.

This is the thing about living close to the ocean. One has the need to be properly geared up for all of the adventures, but it is frighteningly expensive. I can look on in amazement, as once before in my life I also had everything that my heart desired. But of course I was not a happy guy and it all fell away.

Now I have nothing, but I am happy??? Yes, I went flying, mountain climbing, surfing, fishing, rafting, camping, you name it. Too many adventures to mention and did many unbelievable and crazy things. But today I am only a shadow. A man that works in the background and that keeps to myself in my private time.

The one pleasure that I have is my camera, I don't drink or party, hardly ever go out to visit anyone and I am quite comfortable with my life. Of course the charity work keeps me going, but it is only the best way to keep myself busy. The thing is that I so wish that I had this same contentment earlier in my life. Is it sane to have nothing and to want nothing?

And That's All Folks

Note: All photos are my own, unedited and only cropped for uploading purposes. Camera used: Canon Powershot SX60HS

We hope that you have enjoyed the pictures and thank you for visiting a post by @papilloncharity


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