A Sunday Steam Train Smash.

Our adventure was ended by an accident.

A narrow escape for the driver as thankfully he was not hurt.

We planned to follow the Steam Train to it's destination this morning. The train had a double booking for Saturday and Sunday of this week and you can see the Saturday post that I posted yesterday HERE

But this morning we witnessed a very unusual and rare event. Our beautiful old train crashed a car at one of the crossings.
Come and see.

Right, the train came through our part of town and we followed him.

The first crossing in the next town, and I was waiting for him.

Then, we went over the mountain pass to catch him on the other side at the third town, which is the train's destination. I selected to stand here as I wanted to get the train crossing that steel bridge.
After about 45 minutes of waiting the train did not appear, and a couple stopped their car behind our car. The driver asked me if I was waiting for the train, and I said yes.
Then he told me that the train had an accident at the previous town.
So back in the car, u-turn, and I headed back to the other town as I knew where the crossing was.

There it was! The train standing still on the hill and the accident car next to the road. The gentlemen at the back there pulled the car off the tracks into the road.

We drove past the accident scene and I turned the car around to get another view with my camera.

I overheard the one gentleman saying that the buses were on their way. He also spoke to the train driver and they decided to get a bus for the passengers in each carriage.
The train would have to reverse, carriage by carriage, in order for the passages to get off at a suitable place. They were not allowed to get off in the bushes as it is not safe. There could be snakes and other evils around.

Here you see them disembarking from the first carriage.

A second bus arrived and I think that this was going to take a long time to disembark the passengers.

You can see them on their way now to the bus.

I started up and this was the last view of the engine as we left.

Just goes to show that we can make our plans, and then life happens. The passengers were looking forward to a great time at the station market as they are renowned for their food stalls and things for the children to do. The views are also great and the wine has a very good reputation.
But not to be. As this accident occurred and it wrecked all of their plans.
People are very resilient and the buses will drop them at the market so that they can still enjoy it and once the train is cleared for travel, it will collect them to take them back.

So yes, they really had a free unexpected adventure that they can tell their grandchildren about one day.
Something like this, You know, one day I was in a train in Ses Effrica, and we were in a very big accident. Thankfully your grandfather was a great help and he resuscitated many of the injured passengers. They called him a hero.

We are just glad that nobody was hurt and we hope that the train will soon be up and running again and the gentleman's insurance will agree to repair his car.

Thank goodness for the efficiency of our emergency services.
The hero's are really on the ball.

And That's All Friends!

Photos by Zac Smith-All Rights Reserved.

Camera: Canon Powershot SX60HS Bridge camera.

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