A bleeding heart, or a hardened heart!


Late in my life I have discovered that I should have been a doctor!

Or maybe a veterinarian, as countless times mother nature has brought her sick ones to me. As a child on the farm I got a good scrubbing for hiding a sick little lamb under my bed. But like I said it has never stopped and not a season goes by that I don't get one or two "patients".
The message has been passed on to me, but my interests were always focused elsewhere.


This guy came running straight at me. I had no food and only the camera, so I don't know what attracted him, as the other birds ignored me.


Inspection time methinks as we stood eye to eye!


What was that, he turned and he curtsied. Actually bowed and I was stunned.


Turned to survey the area around him!


And finally look how he lands with only 1 foot!


This was taken at our last outing, as for the past two days, the rain has kept us solidly locked up.

This is what it looked like today and somebody has stolen the mountain!


Farmers are walking around with big smiles and everybody is talking about our first big winter rains. Two days straight now and the sound of pelting rain on our roof at night lulls us into sleep.
Knowing that the next morning everything is going to be glistening wet and rushing to feed our varied tribe of wild residents.

We have launched the start-up of our new Charity Giveaway yesterday and a few great souls have already jumped in to help us.
It is an excellent idea, as we will not badger the Hive rewards pool for funding, as the idea is for the project to be self sustainable.
Another great feature of the project is that donors will receive lucky numbers and a draw will determine winners that will receive some very nice prizes.

For more information please go and have a look here

And That's All Folks!

We hope that you have enjoyed the pictures and thank you for visiting a post by @papilloncharity


signatureTeam South Africa banner designed by @bearone

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