Killer Bee - Public Domain


Hi y'alls, today I am more or less a jobless rascal as I wait for donkey boss to finally assign my next project. I might try doing some random graphics for him and bill him for something he didn't ask for... Why not? :D

I promise to take a break from bee stuff for a while after this!

It's just low hanging fruit for me I guess. So here's a killer bee for anyone to steal.



More thoughts before I take leave for the day

  • I'm powering down this account and am going to make a new account called @bumblebear! (I made an account named @beear too.
  • I might try pacing myself and post every other day on here. This may be a way to keep my creativity more fresh, I dunno.
  • So anyway... the next post will probably make fun of Steemy-babies :D
  • Steal the bee! (or don't)

    Next up on today's agenda, some illustration for some turkey from Hawaii. (Client stuff). My next hive post will have piggies.

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