Teens are suffering, fix your shitty life so they have something worth emulating


A lot of time I've heard people talk about the younger generation " from 2000 till now" about how they are unruly, disrespectful, wild, zero manners, careless, spoilt, and all that but they fail to realize that they are not the problem........ they are just a symptom of the next generation which is going to be a product of the old timers...

If you take a look a the society today you will resonate with me that things have changed drastically from when we were kids up to this time now not to talk of from the older generation. Things didn't just change for bad also they've been so much innovation in the tech world, medical, engineering, business, religion and more but my concern today is on our teens and what went wrong..

I was going through the Internet the other day and I was devastated at what I saw happen.

A young teenager was beaten and poisoned to death by a group of senior students who asked him to join a secret cult and when he said no he was severely brutalized and that got me thinking what kind of world are we living in, how did we lost morals to this point? how did we get here?

Around the world you will hear different cases of children being caught in crime related activities that a few generations ago could only be heard of from adults, also the rate of Depression, anxiety, lust, bullying and all sort of distortions are on a high rise among teens. Studies have shown that over 40% and more teens experience depression due to so many factors ranging from spending more time with mobile devises than with fellow humans, cyber bullying, pressure from friends, social media influence and many more reasons, which lead me to asking this question "is it because their minds are not fully developed to handle such freewill" if so what can be done to aid their pain, how do we do the master resetšŸ¤” instead of blaming them for what they actually didn't cause.

Now back to the root of the problem, like I said, "these kids are only a product of what was laid before them", lets start from our leaders who clearly are the older generation, same set of creatures that run the world, drunk with all kind of evil in quest for power and immortality, they structure the schools what to be taught, the same people control the entertainment industry and certainly the intentionally send sublime messages to the minds of these folks at a tender age molding them to whatever we see today in our society. It is a painful thing that this could only get worse.

At this point should we just sit and wait for it to break apart? is there a solution? what extent is this issue headed for.

I've also seen suggestions that say "you should find a way to talk to your teens about this things but what I feel is that we should fix the root cause of the problem which is the the standards we've set and the problem will die a natural death. It will not happen in an instant, I will take so much time approximately the same amount of time it took to cause the problem, the result will come in later but to be honest "you the old folks messed up" fix us by fixing you....

Drug and substance Abuse is on the high side which is a deadly disease eating up the society today, I'm very sure that a little boy won't just wake up or grow up and the first thing he does is start trying drugs. He must have seen an adult doing it maybe even in front of them or even sending them to go buy for them. That child grows up and the chances of him doing drugs as a teen are 100% this then become a major problem in the near future because as he grows up to become a broken man who likely will find pleasure in many other thing like violence, sex abuse, gambling, stealing, rapping, which if all this were handled properly as a child he would have become better and if we had created a better world for him he would have been more productive and less a nuisance.

We as humans have a tendency of finding comfort delegating blames to other for things we all contribute and leave ourselves out as saints. should my child become an unproductive tomorrow I should hold myself responsible first because like it is said "train up a child in a way that when he grows he will not depart from it" it could be a bad way or a good way but "which ever it turns out to be is just a product of my input".

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