Cats in Heaven and on Earth

Sakana the Cat

In 2014, I found a sad cat as she hid beside my Grandma's house.

Something was off, she looked weak and in pain. I came close at her, but she didn't mind.

I inspected her and found an infected water burn, I was angry, how could someone be so mean to cats!

I took her home, cleaned and dressed her injured skin. She was timid, but sweet. She found her home with us and became part of our family.

Her infection healed in a few weeks anf grew back some fur on it too. She really looked good with golden fur, it matched her golden eyes.

Old Cat

We have been adopting abandoned cats for years, most have happily consumed their nine lives and came home to heaven.

The last of the cat family tree was Mighty the Cat, he is a brave cat who likes to bring gifts after his adventures outside our home, may it be dead birds or rats.

He met our new family member before he joined his family in heaven.

During the life of the new cat, we have been adopting sickly cats and shown them love in their short time on Earth.

I was actively learning Japanese during those years too and so the next cats were named in Japanese.

Fishy Business

One day we found the golden cat having a fishbone sticking at her back, she was really unknowing about that and it looked like it was sticking well as it was hard to remove off her fishy smelling fur.

We started calling her Sakana (Kanji: Hiragana: さかな English: Fish) or "Fishy" because of that incident.

We started naming her kids in fish names too.

Sickly Cats

Kuroshiro Cat
(Kanji: 黒白 Hiragana くろしろ English: Black and White)
One day, a sickly cat has been visiting us. He was black with white socks. He only sleeps by the door, we tried feeding him then befriended him.

He's a friendly cat, but was too sickly tonplay around. We called him Kuroshii as short for Kuroshiro, but it means pain in Japanese.

He was a sleepyhead and often just stay still by our door, for years he was shy to stay inside our house.

(Kanji: Hiragana: しつけ English: Discipline)
Mama always wanted to have a white cat, so when she had a chance, she adopted a full white cat with pink toes and nose, with Heterochromia iridis disease—put simply he had eyes blue on one side and green on the other.

The two cats were good friends with Sakana.

New Cats

Around a year later, Sakana gave birth to a triplets, but only two survived.

One was Maguro (Kanji: Hiragana: まぐろ English: Tuna)
He is white white golden patches. Quite talkative, very noisy cat. He likes to be outside the house all the time, only comes home during feeding time.

The other is Unagi (Kanji: Hiragana: うなぎ English: Eel)
She is black with golden patches. Extremely introverted, she very shy and timid cat, but sweet too.

Unagi doesn't meow at all, unlike his brother who only gets quite when sleeping, she will just gesture when she needs something, she's always inside the house and rarely goes out.

Unagi and Maguro

New Cats

In late 2015, I already moved out. While I was away, Shitsuke, Kuroshii, and Sakana left to join our cats in heaven.

The next cats were a bit distant to me since I no longer was home most of the time, they only see me when I visit home.

About a year later, my sister was gifted with an adorable white cat with gray ears and the tip of the tail too.

He is called Mim (or Meme), short for "Miming" which means kitty. He's a bit solitary and only comes home when he wants too.

Unagi gave birth to Primitivo (Prim Prim / Primey for short), he has the same colors with our very first cat Avocado when I was still a kid.

Primey and his big bro likes to sleep together, they also like to be with the dogs too, Maki and Gumi.

Mim and baby Primey

Sleepyhead Primey

He's really a hyperactive cat and likes adventures, he's always on the go for some activities outside the house.

Primey Basking Under the Sun

Abandoned Cats

Reality, pets can be a nuisance, they're playful and might break objects. They can steal foods and other things.

Cats also multiplies fast and most of the time some people resort into throwing and abandoning cats in far places, which is really cruel.


Helen (or Alien) the cat, a white with gray patches was adopted in Decemeber of 2018, he was abandoned in a grassy road towards our farm.

Also in December, but in a year later, Nem-nem (play on the word animal or creature) was found on the same place, he was thrown on the brook, but survived the rainy night.

Nem-nem looks like Helen too, they're like brothers.

Mingpol was the newest cat, but she don't stay at home, she guards our farm from pesky creatures who nibbles corn, her story was featured in Farm Friends, Cat and Goats.

The Cat Who Hates Me

Most cats that became part of our family, were sweet, loves hugs, and like to be pampered—but not Primey.

By far, Primey don't like me that much. When I home, I like to play with our house cats, but he doesn't like to be touched. I always get a lot of scratches with him.

He looks at me in skepticism, thinking he owns the house and I'm just a visitor. When I look at him he snobs me and turns away.

Still, I love these adorable, cuddly cats even if they don't love me back. Haha!

Here's him now, just living life, he's really an outdoorsy cat, he runs home when he sees danger.





These are the stories about how cats became a part of our family, they may be only animals to some, but cats are more human than other people on Earth.

I will share more about more stories of our previous cats and the ones we have today in the next days.


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About Me

@oniemaniego is a test engineer, but outside work, he experiments in the kitchen, writes poetry and fiction, paints his heart out, or toils under the hot sun.

Onie Maniego was born in Leyte, PH. He grew up in a rural area with a close-knit community and a simple lifestyle, he is often visiting his father's orchards during summer and weekends, which has a great impact on his works.

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