Let's talk rationality

According to Robert Greene in The law of human nature, "Rationality is the ability to counteract emotional effects, to think instead of react, to open your mind to what is really happening, as opposed to what you are feeling". One question before continuing, Are you rational? This is a very important question that everyone should ask and answer.

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Rationality helps in every aspect of life to make important decisions, sometimes difficult for an emotional person. It is a skill that every leader: parents, teachers, governors, kings, presidents, ministers etc should cultivate. It does not come naturally; it is a power we must cultivate, but in doing so we realise some certain things.

First, we need to have in mind that for one to be rational, he or she has to idolize or have a greater vision, just as the one time leader of Athens, Pericles, had Athena (the goddess of wisdom presumed to be born out of the head of Zeus) as his idol and simply because of this, he was able to think outside the box to solve the problems that befell Athens.

Secondly, we need to understand that in being rational we realize our greatest potential. Being rational helps to curb the influence of our natural inbuilt emotions on our decisions thereby making it possible to think without interruptions and see more possible realistic solutions to different issues.

Being rational is a power necessary for us to cultivate and it helps us avoid so many regrets. Why do you think we are asked to remain mute when angry and never make promises when we are feeling very emotional?

Be rational, be counteractive!

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