My Introduction Post To Hive


Hi phenomenal people, I greet you all in the name of solidarity. With utmost simplicity, I'll get to introduce myself on this captivating platform.


My name is Nelson Jehoshaphat; I am from Abia state in the Eastern part of Nigeria. A graduate of Public health at the prestigious University of Calabar, and currently running a second degree programme in Medicine and Surgery in the same University. So I am a Public health practitioner that specialises in Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Health Education.

It is also apposite to say that I am an English purist and Polymath. A number of people have asked me in recent times if I studied English at the university. The answer is actually 'NO.'

Sir Walter Scott instructively said,

'The best part of every man's education is that which he gives to himself.'

My Hobby

I have got a strong passion and interest in Philosophy, Apologetics, Mathematics, History, Classics, & English. And the truth is, I can discuss these subjects conveniently even with actual graduates in those disciplines and feel very comfortable.

What's my point? The things you would have an excellent grasp of in life are the things you taught yourself and not necessarily the things you were taught. I actually studied Public health and currently studying Medicine and Surgery at school but sometimes I even forget I am a Medical student.

Ronald Brown utters one of my most favourite quotes in these unforgettable words of his, he said,

' Identify your highest skill, devote your time to performing it. Delegate all other skills.'

So the question is: what is your highest skill and are you developing it? I will leave it at this.

As a creative writer, I'm a lover of words and numbers; always willing to help friends to solve, philosophise and brainstorm on any academic related problems to the best of my ability. I am a dexterous writer, commanding the Queen's language with prodigious brilliance.

With the English language being an invaluable social commodity and instrument of upward mobility, there's no gainsaying that acquiring core knowledge of its mechanics, dynamics and nuances shouldn't be trivialised. This, particularly, is against the backdrop of the advent of the ICT and social media, which has signally bridged the chasm of interaction between native speakers and second-language users, thereby transforming the world into a "global village".

With all these skillset, it behoves one to see that my versatility encompasses a wide range of academic endeavours. My hobbies are reading and researching, albeit I am also a virtuoso in the game of football.

How I Get To Know About Hive And What I'm Expecting From It

I got to hear about Hive from a friend named @herculeand. He educated me about the platform, tutoring me on how to have a hitch-free journey here, and I've pledged to abide by the rules and regulations guiding the platform and also improve the platform where necessary by contributing through my gilt-edged write-ups, brainstorming and intelligent comments on people's post.


My stay on Hive will be a memorable one. I will engage more on learning about Cryptocurrency, various academic endeavours and problem solving in areas ranging from technologies, Philosophy, mathematics, health and other medical related endeavours. I am open to learning and improving myself and other friends on this platform that are interested in the aforementioned areas of endeavour and beyond. By the same token, I resolve to disclose to friends/ participants simple, concise and foolproof procedures to turbocharge their proficiency in the English language and other areas of endeavour to masterful heights. Last but not least, I beseech friends here to avail themselves of this opportunity to acquire a requisite tool that will foster effective communication between people and in their immediate and remote environments.

Please, I humbly implore you all to give me your full support on this page and follow my post and let us journey together. I am of a firm conviction that I will make good friends within the country and other countries of the world on this platform, as this platform is a cosmopolitan one and will bring us together in one accord.

All pictures are mine.

Thank you.
I want to specially thank
@indayclara, on behalf of the @ocd team. I also want to thank @lovesnipe

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