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Miller High Life :: Honest Beer Review of "American Pilsner"

Hello Zooters'

Welcome to my blog of another beer review. Today on our list is the American Pilsner :

Miller High-life!!

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The beer was invented in 1904 when a German named Fredrick Miller started Miller brewing company in the U.S.A. Trailing its roots from Germany has got very famous all over the world. There are many flavours of this beer, but miller high life is the flagship variant that they have. This is also known as champagne of beers as it has a high amount of carbonation. The beer comes in a clear glass bottles and as you know I am not a fan of one.

The beer is ranged between 4.5 - 5 % ABV as a light beer. Along with the pilsner malts there is also some use of rice that makes it a crisp sip.

Let's Pour it in :

The craft has a very light color as compared to other lager beer, Others have a dark hue. This is very pale golden colour.

I can smell a lot of corn and sweetness. Not much of hops or spices that I can smell. The head retention was very good surprisingly and the bubbles shows the higher amount of carbonation.

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The Taste Test :

Mouthfeel is pretty good, I can taste the sweet and citrus taste to start off, leaving a skunky flavour on the finish. Not much of hops are used so if you're a hops lover you might get disappointed. Yes the drink is amazingly refreshing and also it is a light bodied beer that you can have on a Sunday sunny after noon to fire you up. Also I could taste grilled bread, I don't know where did that come from. This is an average beer not to exciting but not boring either.

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Conclusion :

The beer is refreshing but the taste dies after your pallets get settled. there is nothing exciting going on. This might the favourite beer to some people but for me it is like monotony. I am not a fan of hops but a light beer should retain its taste throughout. This stronger version of miller has a lot more to talk about instead of this. I will definitely review it once in the coming future.

This is best accompanied with protein and carbs kind of food and this can a good choice for a beverage with your lunch.

Until the next time!!



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