Hello Bees!

Wednesday isn't the type of day that's very busy. At least that case applies to me now. At this very moment, I've got extra time to sit and do something that I've been meaning to do.


Hello there! I'm Murakamii from the Philippines. I also came by the same pseudonym in the other blogging platform where I came from. I love that word because that's the family name of a Japanese author whose works I love the most. I was on the verge of fangirling over his works when I started my journey on the other platform. So, I opted to use his family name as I aspire to be like him. The author I'm talking about is Haruki Murakami. Among the books, his left footprints on my heart are Kafka on the Shore, 1Q84, and Norwegian Wood. Every book of him is special. It's like after reading a book, I feel satisfied to the bones. Then here comes another book that blows my mind and spirit. "Kafka on the Shore" has me gasping for breath. I remember I was just lying in bed while reading when I read a line that reveals everything. I screamed with my face on the pillow. I can't scream at the top of my lungs at that time as it was already midnight. But I don't have hard copies of those books as I only read them via E-book.


I was fond of reading when I was in my senior year in college. At the onset of the pandemic, my attention was diverted to listening to podcasts and watching YouTube videos. Kryz Uy is my favourite vlogger. I love how light and soothing her videos are. Most of them are just raw vlogs of how her day went as a loving mom and wife. I usually watch vlogs in between classes.


I'm an online English teacher since 2020. It's my first job and I love it no matter how stressful some students are. There are times when I get frustrated as I only have a few students compared to my fellow English teacher but still, I didn't budge. I didn't move. I stayed rooted in online teaching because it has become a part of my day. Even when I already got a day job, I still make sure to conduct classes at night as the little kids and young adults have become the source of healing to me. When I'm teaching, I feel more relaxed. It also helped me in developing my communication skills. I become talkative in front of my students. When I'm in front of them, I'm no longer an introvert.

My love for online teaching may be influenced by my love for kids. Ever since I got a niece, I have developed a soft spot for kids. Ohh, I'm now having flashbacks of the cute kids I got the chance to teach. If only I could share them here, I would love to but I would also have to honour and protect their privacy. Anyway, as I've said, I got a niece. She's almost four years old and I helped in taking care of her since she was born. I love her like she is my own. She's bubbly, energetic, and smart. I love how she is a Lolo's girl. She is loved by many. We saw to it that she will feel loved as her father isn't around. Well, I guess it would be in another story.

I've got an elder sister and a younger brother. My dad is a farmer and he was able to successfully send us to the uni even when it was costly. I guess that's how parents are. They would give us the universe, the world and the things that they fail to experience. That is what I'm thankful for. Of course, I won't just remain thankful. I worked day and night so I could give back. I want to be able to let them experience a comfortable life to the extent that they won't worry about bills. I want them to travel and try eating different cuisine. Is that too much?

I'm waiting for what's in store for me. I have been praying for that dream to be achieved as soon as possible. I have no problem with waiting. What I'm anxious about is that my parents are ageing. I want them to witness that their kids have finally achieved their dreams and are already successful in life. That's all. My intentions are pure and so I hope my time would come.

So, pray for my friends as I journey towards chapters in my life.

*special thanks to @zbabe for providing me with assistance in setting an account to giving me a walkthrough on the basics that I have to learn. God bless you, ma'am!

#newbie #onlineteacher #aspiringwriter #dreamer

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