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On this occasion, I want to sharing our tea plantation stories.


  • The natural beauty of the unexpected, First I saw the area around me was happy.


  • Enjoy our sharing

The natural beauty of the highlands is always good. Not surprisingly, hills and mountains have always been a favorite tourist destination in the area of ​​Java. Like Reggo Tea Plantation located in Manyang Hills, Kumporo. If you visit the place, you can see the beautiful terraced slopes covered in green rugs.


really captivating its beauty

Increasingly, the panorama of eight high mountain peaks can also be seen as captivating treats for tourists. The eight mountain peaks are Mount Merapi, Merbabu, Slamet, Prau, Ungaran, Sumbing, Telomoyo and Sindoro.


Around this tea garden is also surprising

Just imagining the atmosphere is fun, especially when visiting it. Not surprisingly, the only tea garden in the area is a favorite spot for visitors to take pictures. Uniquely, in this Nglinggo Tea Plantation visitors are allowed to take a walk around the tea garden, with one condition, you must not damage the place.


The picture quality is great

The tea garden offers a cool mountain atmosphere. Who wants a vacation to get peace and freshness.


The green area of ​​the tea garden is combined with the cold air of the Menoreh hills. When the sun rises in the eastern horizon it is a good time for hiking to the reggo tea garden.


  • I hope, this friend in hive community likes my sharing. For those of you who want to visit. May I inform you?

Hiking while enjoying the green carpet is certainly not only refreshing the eyes and mind but also makes the body fit. From the top of the hill, you can see a beautiful panorama of rural Java.


  • There are several hilltops that you can climb here. At the top of the west view is a tea garden. While on the northernmost peak, namely Dempok Peak and Kendeng Peak, you can see a panorama of 8 mountains in Central Java, namely Mount Merapi, Merbabu, Andong, Telomoyo, Ungaran, Sumbing, Sindoro, and Prau.

This is the view from the top and bottom


  • Around the tea garden there are several stalls to treat hunger and hunger that hit after hiking. Kebun Kebun reggo can be reached by driving for 1.5 hours from the City of Java. Entrance ticket is IDR 5,000. The opening hours are every day from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

This is the view from the top and bottom


This is the view from the top and bottom


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