Eritrea: An Expose on Africa most Unpopular Country where SIM Cards are as rare as Gold


It gives me great pleasure to be able to write once again after taking a very long break to settle some personal issues. However, without wasting much time, I would love to reiterate my commitment to the Hive Community and everything it stands for. I'm really happy to know that amidst the whole power controversy, we are all able to stand strong to continue to build a safe and sustainable social economy, devoid of any central authority and social prejudice.


I recently got into a conversation with a close friend (based in Canada) who I met through a blockchain group on Discord. Deep into our conversation, he raised a point about how blockchain was changing lives in his country and while he was on about it, I chipped in a story on how the adoption of blockchain in my country; Nigeria, has been massive ever since the introduction of the Steem Blockchain. He then asked a really astonishing question:

"Where is Nigeria?"



Yea, this was exactly my reaction....

To clear the air, I immediately asked him if he had heard about Africa, and He replied YES
Okay we're getting somewhere (at least I thought so). Not until all hell broke loose when he asked another heartbreaking question:

"Isn't Africa a country?"



To be honest, I'm still utterly gobsmacked by that question and for this reason I've decided to dedicate a great deal of my time and energy towards revealing Africa to the world through my blog posts. Today, I've decided to make my first post about one country that doesn't ring a bell in the minds of many when its being mentioned. I refer to this country as Africa's most Unpopular Nation because only few are aware of its existence.

Walk with me, let me take you on an insightful ride!


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About Eritrea

Eritrea is an East African country located deep in the Horn of Africa. It shares its borders with Sudan (west) Ethiopia (South), Djibouti (Southeast) and the Red Sea (East), and has its capital at Asmara.
Eritrea is a multi-ethnic nation with nine recognised ethnic groups and 3 official languages. This little federation, no doubt, has had its fair share of colonial oppression. After 30 long years of war with the Ethiopian Empire, Eritrea gained her independence from Ethiopia in 1993, but before then, Eritrea was once inhabited by the Italians back in the late 1800s and the Britains in the late 1900s.

Okay, now let's skip past the boring stuff and move to where all the fun is.

I could bet that many didn't even have an idea that Eritrea was a country at all. Yea!
and it wouldn't surprise me at this point since my friend didn't even have any idea that Nigeria (one of the most populous nation on planet Earth) is a country, how much more Eritrea?
However, while you're probably trying to wrap your head around what you've gotten yourself into, why don't I start rolling out some mind-boggling facts about Eritrea that will surely blow your mind.

5 Amazing Facts about Eritrea you haven't heard about

1. Eritrea after Egypt has the second highest archaeological historical discoveries in Africa

The number of archaeological sites in the country was placed at 80,000 after the last archaeological survey. What's even more fascinating about Eritrea's archaeological heritage is the fact that the remains of what is believed to be humankind's oldest known ancestors, have been discovered in Eritrea on several occasions. Some of these prehistoric remains date back to as far as 1 million years ago.
Visiting Eritrea, would probably be a dream come true for any archaeologist who intends to take his career to the next level, but you might want to check out the rest of my amazing facts before you take that decision.

2. The internet penetration rate is below 2%, according to the World Bank's statistics.

This obviously might be hard for many to believe, owing to the fact that we're literally in the 21st century. How could one possibly survive without the internet? Maybe, talking you through the process of how to get a SIM card in Eritrea would probably give you the benefit of the doubt. In Eritrea, there is only one service provider and it's fully controlled by the government. So, in order to get a SIM card, citizens have to apply in their respective local government council, which could take weeks to process. If you're then fortunate enough to get one after this rigorous process, you could barely even access the internet with it due to poor connection. Most times, citizens resort to the use of VPNs to access social websites because Internet usage is strictly monitored by the Eritrean government.

3. Eritrea is considered as one of the worst governed countries in the world.

Since her independence in 1993, Eritrea has been ruled by Isaias Afwerki and the People’s Front for Democracy and Justice (PFDJ).
The country runs a single-party presidential dictatorship system and to add the "cherry on top", till date, no legislative or presidential election has ever been held in Eritrea.
Amnesty International estimates that there are roughly over 10,000 prisoners of conscience in Eritrea. So basically, as an Eritrean, you strictly prohibited from publicly airing out your opinions on religious, political, social and moral issues, especially when it goes against the government's perceptions on such matter.

4. Eritrea holds the record of being the world's most censored country according to the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ).

Also according to their survey, Eritrea is the worst jailer of journalists in sub-Saharan Africa, with at least 16 journalists behind bars as of December 2018.
In 2001, the government shut down all independent media and till date, every media channel and enterprises in the country are fully owned and controlled by the government.

At this point, some of my readers might literally be thinking if any good could ever come out of Eritrea. Well, the answer is YES!, Now let's take a look at what my fifth amazing fact tells about Eritrea.

5. Eritrea is home to some of Africa's most cherished Tourist Attractions.

Aside from the fact that Eritrea has a very rich archaeological heritage, it also serves as home to some of Africa's most cherished tourist sites. Deep down in central Eritrea, lies the remains of the Ancient Port of Adulis; one of the oldest ports in the world's history. This port is believed to have been used by the Roman, Egyptian and Greek empires back in the 6th century BC.
Also, hundreds of ancient structures built by the Italians and Britains way back during their colonial reign still stand firm today in Eritrea.
With this being said, I strongly believe that you might want to add Eritrea to the list of countries you would love to visit after this Coronavirus Pandemic.

Final Thoughts

This East African country have managed to stay off the radar for far too long. Eritrea is one country in Africa in dire need of international recognition. Understandably, due to the country's strict bureaucratic policies, only few tourist visits are recorded annually. However, I strongly believe that a country with so much historical treasure cannot stay hidden forever.
In conclusion, Eritrea is a country I would love to visit someday and I'm sure that after reading this amazing writeup, you too would love to explore Eritrea someday.

I would be happy to read your thoughts at the comment section.

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Important Notice:

I'm on a quest to create awareness about the African community to the World. Join me as I give full insights and analysis on recent happenings in Africa and how they affect her People, Culture and Economic growth.

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