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Hive blockchain receives massive media coverage from the borehole inauguration in Ghana.


Hive continues to be the first platform in my knowledge with blockchain operations to do this fantastic marketing with the newly inaugurated borehole project in Ghana. Throughout the previous years, much promotional work has been done with blockchain in various forms. Each one of them had a significant effect on the path we are promoting. It thus perhaps the most spectacular advertising produced by hive in such a short amount of time.

In order to undertake this empowering initiative, hive advertising is necessary to help share the key values of the hive blockchain with the rest of the world. I am grateful to you @guiltyparties, @taskmaster4450le, @doze, @ranchorelaxo, @ocdb, @trafalgar, @resonator, @acidyo, @ackza, @v4vapid, @canadian-coconut, @haejin, @blocktrades @adetorrent, @daveks, @felixxx @bhattg @newsflash @zuerich, @lichtblick, @dswigle not forgetting @collinz, @anaman, and @awuahbenjamin plus several others for putting up plans and activities to promote the hive ecosystem via such powerful programs. Matter of fact, the just inaugurated hive borehole project in Ghana has evidenced and illustrated as many key projects would undoubtedly accomplish the hive ecosystem's advertising aspirations in places for which lives are effectively empowered.

News coverage

Now, I'd like to provide a report on the news that almost everyone in Ghana is discussing about currently. It was planned for the launch of the hive project in Ghana to invite several media agencies to cover the ceremony. Five out of the seven major Ghanaian media firms expected to attend the opening ceremony showed up. People were thrilled to have them join us on these to inform all Ghanaians about the amazing things made necessary by blockchain technology.

Due to the implementation of the potable water project, news outlets in Ghana that covered the hive project started to publish a story upon that. This caught the eye of many media agencies, who offered to participate in this activity by passing on information about hive's amazing project in Ghana's Ashanti region. This however has increased the number of media outlets sharing the news about hive in Ghana.

Just as in the pervious project, several of these media sites have contacted us and expressed gratitude for our assistance in serving a community utilizing blockchain technology. We have put together a list of thirteen (13) media organizations which have broadcast on the successfully finished hive project at Agona Bedomase, Ghana as of today. The following are links to the key press outlets and the news feed on the hive borehole project at Agona Bedomase in Ghana.














Whats next?
I'm showing a strong joy at the rising acknowledgment of Ghana's hive ecosystem. In the piece written by the news organisations on their digital news platform, we included a brief description of the hive ecosystem, and also a link to guide all viewers to the hive ecosystem. The major news outlets who approached us of hive project pointed towards something really amazing to showcase with all hivers on the this blockchain.

Notwithstanding this short description we provided in the several posts, they enquired about the hive whenever people approached us. Almost major news organization have committed to connect with us at a subsequent date for a one-on-one interview on respective television and radio stations to provide extra details about the hive ecosystem with their followers and audiences. The above is perhaps the most extremely exciting news to hear about the borehole project just as it happened previously.

Let me proclaim not only has our hive empowering effort delivered water to the Agona Bedomase village in Ghana, however it has supplied hive again with required awareness in Ghana. In this regard, we hope to plan a press interview in the upcoming weeks to provide more details on the hive ecosystem. This advertising effort fulfilled an important purpose by allowing us to notify a large number of Ghanaians about the hive blockchain. While doing so, I hope to urge all Ghanaians on the hive ecosystem to significantly organize themselves, as we prepare further empowering programs in Ghana to attract many individuals into the hive ecosystem.

Project : Construction of borehole system
Location : Agona Bedomase (Ghana, West Africa)
Sponsor : @valueplan
Project manager : @mcsamm & @collinz

Changing lives with hive.