Series: A girl Called Jay( Part 1)


3 years, 2 relationships, 2 heartbreaks, several jobs and quite a number of bodies count later, Jay has come to a conclusion that she is a Crazy young Lady.Let’s hear a story about a girl called Jay, Shall we?



Jay is a 23-year-old girl who dropped out of school when things were tough and fled into the city of Lagos, Nigeria to hustle. She wasn’t quite sure if that was a good decision as she didn’t know anyone in that city, but she knew she had to leave the suffering that she was going through in the university, get a better life and maybe come back to get the degree.

city of Lagos

Jay left school in 2019 without the knowledge of her Family, except for her elder sister who supported her by calling a friend of hers who lived in Lagos to accommodate Jay for a while till Jay can pay for her own apartment.

Jay started living with Kems and the search for a job began. She went on and on with the job search until 1 month later, she got a job as a personal assistant to a successful Nigerian Blogger who she later discovered was chronically Bi-polar. Her bi-polar boss made working for her so unbearable that Jay had to quit her first Job in that city, and went back into the cycle of job search which was not productive even 3months after.


One day, Kems asked Jay to leave her house, reason being that she needed privacy, knowing that Jay had no where else to go. This was the beginning of the hard life in Lagos for Jay, I mean, she had nowhere to go, Kems was the only person she knew in that city, where was she going to go? Going back to school was not an option at all, so she made a decision to stay in Lagos no matter what, even if she had to sleep in people’s stores.


Somehow, God came through for Jay as her sister talked to someone whose late father owned a house at a local area at iba,Lagos. The house wasn’t classy or comfortable at all, but for someone who had no where else to go, it was a Miracle to Jay. She moved and started trying to acclimatize to the ghetto life in that neighborhood, she couldn’t get a good job around that area either because it was populated by poor people and people who were Average and the jobs there was less than $20 and were not even available to take in workers. Luckily, she got a job at a nursery school as a class teacher, teaching about 8 subjects and getting paid a little more than $15.

Jay had always been and still is a happy girl, so she did that Job with all her heart irrespective of the pay, it wasn’t long until the owner of the school and the pupils fell in love with her and it brought her favor for the while she was there. She later left to contest for a beauty pageant that a friend of hers talked her into and even though she didn’t win, that was the end of her stay in that ghetto, after being there for 6months and a start of something New for her.
But, was the new a good new or new phase of suffering?

We will find out in part 2, stay here, don’t go anywhere, Jay’s life just got started and you wouldn’t want to miss it. Thanks for Reading

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