
The life of every person here on earth has different versions. But one of the common things every person has is we all have a life that has an infinite series of NEW BEGINNINGS. Well, beginnings can be real scary. You do not know exactly how will things flow even if you know what to expect. But isn't it more fun facing the mysteries & uncertainties of life without the spoilers? This is where the new chapter of my life begins.



Hello there people. Before anything else, let me start with the introduction of myself. I am Kolleen Macabenta Distrajo. I grew up in a small town but with big dreams, PINABACDAO SAMAR.



I call it my own kind of paradise. A paradise where a child's creative mind will bring you to places. A place where a child's fantasies can occur. A place where dreams were first created.



Life was simple way back then. But things does not stay the way it is. It does not work that way. No matter how hard you will try to neglect the mandatory transformation of your life, it will happen wether you are ready or not. The transition of being a child to being an adult is where things become complicated.



As a child, I used to wish to become an adult. Because what I have in mind that time "if you are an adult you can decide on your own", "if you are an adult you have the previlage of having the authority", "as an adult you can do whatever you wanted to do". But I was wrong. Before, I have lots of reasons why I wanted to become an adult already. But now that adulting hits me, I have got lots of reason why being an adult was not so fancy at all. I wanted to ride a time machine and tell young Kolleen that wanting to become an adult is a bad decision evah. But despite this and that, I can say I had an amazing childhood.



If given a chance to go back in the past, I will never get tired on repeating everything that happened in my childhood days. Those days were epic and gold.



One thing I have missed in the past is my parent's care. I mean my parents love me more than ever right now, but a parent's care is different when you are a child. It has a different touch of love. I miss having sky flakes and royal (softdrink) everytime I have a fever. The simple tricks they used to show us still amazes me even until today. The different versions of stories about Juan and Jhonny Pusong before going to sleep will never get old to me. I will never get tired on listening to it over and over again.


Those were the times when I thought being a child was a punishment but now that I have experienced the taste of life's wrath-ness, I realized that being a child was a previlage. A previlage that every adult wanted.


So much about my childhood, let's proceed to the so called life's reality which is ADULTING!!

I am a graduate of Bachelor of Science in Accounting Technology at Saint Pauls School of Professional Studies. After graduating college I took my second degree Bachelor of Science in Real Estate Management


and at the same time I applied as an Accounting Staff at LGU Pinabacdao.


But I decided to not continue my second degree and focus on my work for some reasons.

Three years after, I left LGU Pinabacdao and went here in the "Pearl of the Orient", Manila.


I wanted to see what more I can offer and how will I handle things outside my comfort zone. But things did not happen according to my plans. Life in Manila was not as easy and as fancy as I thought it would be.


But life must go on and on. This is life and we got to hold on tight for us to survive. We have to be strong and be firm if we wanted to see the kaliedoscope season of our lives. It was hard but I believe that one day this will all going to make sense. Everything will fall into places.

Yep! This is where my life outside my comfort zone starts.

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