Everyone Laughs Till A Tragedy Or Loss Occurs; Life Lessons


{Image source}(https://www.pexels.com/photo/man-looking-at-the-mirror-in-holding-his-face-3693189/)
Picture by Cottonbro

Just as we try to leave each day with the achievements we have now, remember that you really need to be completely humble and this is where your circle comes in... You can put off people who would do much more for you out of greed and selfishness, I have been in this same position where I could have helped someone but I never did and weeks later I was at the mercy of that person. I read through a recent publication from one of the very good writers within this space Starstrings,he talked about this life as 'vanity' and we must leave it right. From this, I picked up a few point and a clear understanding.. if you don't make your circle great when you are have more or take take them to some level at least, they will never fight or stand for you in anyway.

I will never wish for anything bad upon my friends, but you may seem to have all the wealth and the next thing you do is ignore or block this same person... I trust karma, it always haunts when it comes back around. So take sometime to know who your friends are or the people within your circle and what you'll do is be more friendly do the opposite of what you do and show love.

It doesn't stop at just your friends alone, your family... in this case you abandoned them and only when you need help you give a call, let people know you with good thoughts which you can start now to get there..We can get better in our communication verbally, those words you use before don't use them anymore.. bur rather wish them well they are still your friends.

Life lessons hurt at this point when the people which we thought would not do any better start doing much more, at that instant we know how bad we have become.. So please don't let pride in,show kindness no matter how little to people around you..

I love you all and thanks for coming in here to read..

I will be creating a little detail about me tomorrow and will be adding that up to my individual post...

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