Daily Inspired #16 - Becoming A Pro By Picking 3 Topics To Learn & Focus For 3 Months


The Topic

High-efficiency learning equals to memorable and practical. I think most of us have this issue of reading and learning different knowledge and skill but ended up forgetting after not using or touching it for a while. It is a waste as we had been spending valuable time to study and learn about it, yet in the end, we did not utilize the knowledge point to become part of our life. That is why I keep emphasizing to myself that building this "second brain" is the utmost important yet not an urgent task for me as of this 3 years.

The Learning Points

What to learn?

This part really blows my mind and it gets me to think and revise what I really need to learn at this moment of time. From what I had just read about, I am not supposed to learn what I am interested in. The most practical way to learn is to have a note to list down what changes I need to bring to myself in maybe for the month. With the changes listed, then I will need to relate it to what kind of knowledge I need to learn about. Then, reduce the topics to 3. The 3 topics will be the most urgent and most important skill or knowledge that I need to learn at this current stage. Like in my case, I would like to prepare for my professional exam, build a campaign for Go Doodle and know where to invest in the crypto field. Thus, the top 3 topics I will need to focus on are architectural consultancy services knowledge, product design knowledge and also basic of the tokens that have potential. With that, making sure I excel in these 3 topics at this short period of time would give me ample time to focus and accomplish things. So this makes me revise my learning takeaway for tomorrow onwards that I will be focusing on product design, education, art, architecture or crypto-related topic.

3-2-1 revision method

This is a very interesting way to revise what I had learned. 3 is for the most memorable points I get throughout the class; 2 is solid takeaways and 1 point that I can take immediate action. Let's take time management as an example: 3 memorable parts are not everyone needs time management, time management is part of psychology and vision and goal are two different topics; 2 solid takeaways are the method to record a diary and 4D planning method; 1 action is from tomorrow onwards start to reward 3 days diary and find out why I myself is having low productivity.

Challenge the knowledge received

Usually, I will tend to ask "stupid" question or sometimes questions that challenge the current state of "answer". Like for architecture, we have something called Scale of Minimum Fees which is a formula to calculate the fees of professional services provided by architects to the clients. However, no one ever asks on how the formula is being derived as the formula is a bit odd, to be honest. Even though I think about it, I do not really make an effort to find out. Yet, it will be better than I can challenge the current state of answers given and understand what is the reason lying behind for such an answer to exist. With that, I could learn even better and make the knowledge even more memorable and practical. This also trains our critical thinking skills to challenge the thinking process of ours to justify whether the knowledge acquired is useful or not? Which part is not relevant? Why I think is not relevant? and so on. This thinking process will lead me to a deeper understanding and reach the fundamental of things.

What problem I can solve with the newly learned knowledge?

Again, it is important that we ask ourselves this question after every learning process: how this session of learning can help me solve a problem that I am currently facing? The example given by the article is that he wanted to learn mind mapping, and he can ask himself: how to use mind mapping solves the problem of whether go for research or go for work? With this question in mind, he started to learn about mind mapping and ended up drawing a mind map that relates the two options and sees the pros and cons of the diagram. With the clear visualization of the two choices, he finally can make a better decision on which path to take. With that being said, the learning of mind mapping finally serves its purpose.

Reiterate the learning

The last most important piece of learning is that I should be reiterating the contents that I learned. This is one of the ways to put my mind to restructure whatever I had picked up from the reading and make way into my memory. In this case, I see myself having this "second brain" with Notion is a great help. Other than reiterate and writing down helps me to understand the overall concept better, it also makes me build this library of what I had learned before which I can refer anytime I want just by using the "search" function.


This is a really helpful read for the night and I really appreciate how realistic the author put it in the article about learning. We have a lot of interesting stuff to learn but just to be a bit realistic to ourselves, we still have limited time to really indulge in all the readings. Plus, jumping from topic to another topic would also create a big buffer to pick up again. Thus, staying focus on 3 topics at most for a period of time would increase the completion rate which then relatively increase the satisfactory level of learning too. Well, from tomorrow onwards I will be changing my strategy to learn!


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