The Top 5 Reasons to use Hive with RSS

What is RSS?

RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication, or Rich Site Summary. It's usually a simple text file that your computer or mobile device uses to tune in to just the data that you want to consume. No fancy web pages or programs to download. See an example RSS file here.

Hive + RSS were built for one another!

Who uses RSS?

  • People like me who are tired of being forced to visit multiple websites (like Youtube, Bitchute, Spotify, Vimeo, etc) and install multiple apps just to access the content I enjoy.
  • Creators who were tired of their content NOT being syndicated EVERYWHERE, out to multiple networks, apps and websites.

Hive + RSS = Decentralized Interoperability

With sites like CastGarden, 3Speak, Dbuzz, Liketu and Ecency offering RSS feeds for the content they publish, it makes it MUCH easier for users to discover said content. Whether it be microblogs, static imagery or even livestreams, RSS feeds serve up the raw information to hundreds of different websites, apps and dapps all at once.

So, what are the 5 Reasons to use RSS?

  1. Escape the Walled Gardens like Spotify, Youtube and Netflix
  2. Save bandwidth. Only download data that you actually consume
  3. Never get unsubscribed again; Creator "shadow bans" are impossible too
  4. Privately access your favorite Creators through any firewall
  5. Use whatever RSS tuner/aggregator you like...

HiveCast for example:

If you've never seen an RSS tuner with built-in monetization, or combined Tor, Fediverse and Hive network interactivity, I encourage you to check this out: 💪HiveCast aims to be the world's first. It enables you to break free of ALL the walled gardens out there and RSS is the only way to do it.

Why use multiple websites to access thousands of different channels?
Syndication is Everything.

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