Congrats on the 2 years of Hiving on!

Has it been two years already?? It feels like there was a gap of life somewhere in between

But indeed it is already two years ago, and look where we are now. A thriving community where people are building stuff, games are being made, communities are being made, and we still handle the most ridiculous amount of transactions per second without even the blink of an eye. That is Hive!


The hostile takeover was probably something we all sometimes think back to, but I guess as a community it made Hive more decent. People were and are still dedicated to make this all work. In the end faith in a project is also a big reason for people to step in on it.

I remember during the takover that I satyed and watched from a distance. Not everytone has the best of information to jump into conclusions, and because of that, I also did not. Because of the vibe and the bickering I also stayed out from posting for a while, because neg vibes....Nehhh I don't want to be caught in them.

But after we started and jumped on the bandwagon again, the train hasn't continue to stop and we are doing good. With a price of Hive hoovering around the $1 the whole time this all seems super reasonable for people to still be attracted to work in the ecosystem.

And with every celebration post, we also need a lady grinding and singing birthday songs, hence the Rihanna here! Let's go for the next years to come!

Come and put your name on it.....
He want the....cake cake cake cake

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