
Self Introduction

My full name is Muhammad Kafi Casyiful Anwar bin Muhammad Hasyim Ali, I live in the northern coastal area of ​​Java, Indonesia, to be precise in Kedawang, Nguling, Pasuruan, East Java province, my date of birth is July 30, 1997, with the zodiac sign Leo. I am the first child of 3 siblings: Nur Khollis Kayyis and Havia Ebriza facheera. Thank God, my parents are still active in educating me and never get bored of always advising me and supporting me. May they be given a long life healthy physically and spiritually.

Education Period

after I went to kindergarten (TK), I studied at SDN Mlaten for 6 years and graduated in 2009, that year after the final holidays, I boarded at the Salalfiyah Islamic boarding school in Pasuruan City for 9 years studying religious knowledge of course I am Muslim which is the main factor in belief, I got to know and study contemporary books from internationally based ulama' in the world of Islam, I also wrote a scientific paper which was a requirement for Stanawiyyah graduation and an Arabic written work which was a requirement for Aliyah graduation, after that I graduated in In 2018, all gratitude does not include graduates during the Covid-19 period. after that I was assigned to the boarding school for 1 year as a condition for the diploma to be taken home, but when I went to the caretaker, instead I was assigned for 4 years, it felt very hard to think about but obeying the teacher's orders took priority over Based on thousands of my own personal wishes, I was finally assigned to teach Islamic religious education at the SAQA Islamic boarding school in Rangkang, Probolinggo, East Java for 3 years. I survived and at the same time I was able to study there POKJAR SAQA at Jember Open University majoring in Sharia Economics, and One year later I was assigned to the Darus Sholah Kaliwates Islamic boarding school, Jember, East Java. and in the end I was able to return home, while continuing my studies while teaching small children to read the Al-Quran properly and correctly. As 1 year has passed, I am grateful to have graduated as a graduate student at Jember Open University in April 2023.

This is the photo above of me graduating from Islamic boarding school in 2018.

and above my graduation photo at Jember Open University, maybe you can see the video of my graduation procession on YouTube, upload September 2023.

And now I am not married, while teaching economics at SMAIT ASsalam and MTS . Maybe that's all from me, I apologize for any typos or words that offend you. I apologize profusely.

Asslamualaikum Wr Wb.
Best wishes always to all of you.
Thank you very much.

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