Between Young and Old

One day, during a very tired day, I started by loosening the frozen veins, especially in my head, as if they were about to burst without being visible to the eye. but twilight comforts me by showing a smile in the distance, I sometimes blush when I see it, like my brain thinks, a beauty comes so quickly and then goes so quickly, don't be fooled by it, sometimes I also have to be angry, why can I see it for just a moment, understand beauty will be felt quickly if you can enjoy it.

Around 07:00 PM my friend and I had coffee at one of the cafes in my city area, Omega Caffe, at first we chatted casually, starting from gaming topics to each other's love stories, grappling in debates, as if nothing was happening. want to give in. suddenly an old man who was a cafe waiter came to us and sat directly next to my friend, I don't know that old man, but my friend, Azhar, knew him, they were having fun chatting casually while asking about the news and situation, immediately I was asked by him about his name, place of residence and finally education, and I also asked him back about the same thing,

for some reason in my heart I felt that the old man was very strange, he directly asked about divinity, yes maybe I am indeed an Islamic boarding school alumni, but indirectly he seemed to remind me and advise me from a question "Where is God? Why do people pray directly or not? granted?", my friend immediately answered: "God is in the heart, it depends on the person who places God in what order, is it number 1, 2, 3, or the last number, if you have a big problem then place it in the first row?" then I drank coffee, smoked a cigarette then took a deep breath, the old man told me to answer the question, Finally I answered casually: "God is everywhere, it could be true what Azhar said, but actually God does not have characteristics like humans who have things like space, place and time or the forms that exist in the human body. the human body such as eyes, ears, mouth and so on, God does not have all that, because God does not need eyes to be able to see, does not need ears to be able to hear and so on, God is always everywhere, depending on humans positioning him as God, we as humans will always be need others, unlike God, if God doesn't need all that, we are the ones who need God, hoping that all the desires in our hearts will always be achieved, this is about hope from a prayer! Why our prayers are not immediately answered, in general, we have to introspect ourselves, why are prayers difficult to be answered, perhaps there are some sins that have not been forgiven with God, or sins against humans, other humans as well as his creations, or maybe our worship is less than perfect, our charity is lacking, or indeed our efforts are lacking, because prayer alone without effort seems useless, while effort without prayer feels empty, which means What, it's okay to pray steadily to God but don't forget that our own efforts must also be balanced, because there is a saying: whoever tries (persistently) will get what he wants."

Finally, the old man, as if he felt relieved by all the discussions between the three of us, personally, he was not the one who was satisfied with the results of the discussion, but indirectly, that he (the old man) was sent by God to advise me and so that I would be more enthusiastic in worship, even though the parents don't know the answers to questions.

In conclusion, the enthusiast: don't expect your hive to have a lot of money if you are not consistent in writing or creating, hihihi

Maybe it is the readers who understand better the conclusions of the discussion. May your days be pleasant and healthy always accompany you. Nice to meet you.

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