A New Space for a Fresh Start | My Introduction Post

Getting on a fresh track, leaving my comfort zone and starting new things always gives me this nervous feeling and doubt. But then, what is life without new starts, facing your fears, leaving your comfort zone and exploring beyond your horizon. This is my first post on @hive and I’d say it is my first blogging experience, yay! ( with nervousness running down my spine).

Introducing myself would have been the first thing to do on here, but I just decided to add a little bit of suspense into it, hope I didn’t bore you though. My name is Emmanuel, I think this is one of the most common names in my country and sometimes I get the ick when I hear people call me by that name, so more times than not, I’d rather stick to my supposed Baptismal name “Elvis”.

I am a native of Urualla in Ideato North Loval Government of Imo State. Prior to the nationwide ASUU strike, I was a student of the University of Nigeria Nsukka, studying Biochemistry, as much as I wasn’t forced to apply for the course before entering the university, I actually am not happy studying the course, but then, it is what it is. Coming from a family of five children, I’m the last of the 5 and the 4th male child. Yes, I have just one sister and she’s so lovely.

I have very contrasting personalities and most times, l tend to be misinterpreted by people. I can be very loud and I can also be very quiet and cold, this only depends on the people I’m with, and most times, I love to spend time and hangout with people that bring my loud, crazy and funny personality out in the open.

When I say I have contrasting personalities, it actually goes a long way, I’d describe myself as an ambivert, as I can be more introverted than I am extroverted.

When it comes to hobbies and interest, I can say that the Kitchen is my area of expertise, as funny as that sounds. I can actually beat my chest and say, “I am a foodie!”, I love food and I love to eat. When I’m very comfortable around a person, you’d actually see me in my eating element, not that I have a bad eating habit, but I have a large stomach size and I tend to eat large portions of food.

My love for the kitchen made me more creative and artistic when it comes to edibles, from cooking dinner and lunch at home, to streaming cooking tips and procedures on YouTube and instagram, to taking a training during the lockdown on cake-making, to becoming an entrepreneur in the field. Now, I can proudly say I’m a baker and a cook. I have a whole lot more when it comes to burning passions and interests.

With all the amazing colors in the universe, I don’t think I have a favorite color. But I know I’m not a fan of the color pink, don’t get me wrong, I don’t hate it, but it could be my least favorite. I’d have said I have a thing for dark colors but I just had a rethink and I’m like not really, I actually love dark and bright colors.

Many thanks to my cousin Kamara @kamarah for introducing me to Hive. I’m a newbie and I hope to meet people with similar interests as me. I’m so excited to be part of this space and in the nearest future, I’d be sharing some enlightening content and personal posts I hope would interest you.

Looking forward to a pleasant experience on @Hive. An amazing day awaits you, have the best of it!

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