Astrological insights into Mercury retrograde and the solstice solar eclipse

Have you ever wandered upon a star,
or on the moon above so far,
reflected on their mighty hue,
resplendently for all to view?

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With mercury in retrograde from today, in the sign of Cancer, today would be called the “stationary retrograde” day and mark the juncture where Mercury is seen from earth’s point of view to stand still in the heavens. In the same way that the sun seems to stand still or set at the same point for three days at the solstices, one of which is coming up in the coming three days. Curiously the solar eclipse falls on the exact day of the solstice this year, so June 21 appears to be a significant day, filled with alignments and perhaps gravitational or magnetic shifts by which all of us could be swept along like the crowd to a song in a stadium.

Now the Mercury retrograde is well known, as a thrice yearly event of three weeks duration when introspection is favored. NO new trades should be opened guys, since the market is known to spike volatilely over the retrograde phase. The problem is that one can never say which way the trade will be going. And with the BTC volatility at a major low currently, like a doldrums under a windless sail of a yacht trying to ride the trade winds across a vast and much-charted expanse.

Nevertheless, a little less may be known about the solstice, suffice to say that we all experience it albeit in opposing ways depending on your hemisphere. What’s hot for you is cold for me, and the seasons and harvests are totally opposite too as a result. It almost implies that our festivals should be the opposite too, as if this was now my Christmas guys. What a treat, gifts for everyone.

Having said that, even less may be known about the coming solar eclipse, but considering both the Mercury retrograde and the new Moon with Sun and Moon conjunct the Nodes, all fall in Cancer, according to the Tropical system, and at this extreme point in the calender, I would not be surprised if some out of the ordinary event occurred on Sunday 21 June 2020. Mid Summer for the First World. Perhaps a dream but definitely an eclipse. That may affect anyone having a birthday around now more so than most, but all of the planet will feel it. The Moon looked huge last month at full Moon and it may be closer to the Earth than usual. Perhaps that is why it is so easy to rile up the masses into revolt on the streets, fuelled of course by the hidden hand behind the scenes throughout no doubt, with Pluto and Jupiter and Saturn in Capricorn this year (although Saturn has just stepped out into the Aquarius sign for a few weeks until returning).

Interestingly, as Mercury now joins Venus in retrograde, for a few days until Venus goes direct on June 25, there will also be several other planets in retrograde too. Jupiter and Saturn are also currently in retrograde for a few months, making it quite a cluster of planets all appearing to reverse their direction in the heavens. I wonder if this is a good time for the re-set, whatever that means? And with the solar eclipse now, we should look up which countries are going to see it. I don’t think my South African shores will be affected, as it occurs here before sunrise. Nevertheless, we may get to see a slither of it around sunrise itself.. I had better be prepared for that. Find out where you will be during the eclipse on the planet and perhaps you are in the line of site, which is traditionally a bad omen for the leader of those nations. Let’s look at the chart of Turkey’s leader Erdogan too. He may have this eclipse fall on one of his natal planets in his horoscope. If it heats up on the battle fields there up north, I will thank my stars that I’m down south here.

Anyway, even if this solar eclipse isn’t too damaging to the nations this week, the following full moon two weeks later, will be on the 5th of July, the day after USA independence day, if that is the correct term . So that is also going to be quite an interesting date to watch out for. The Antifa-inspired riots may escalate and more statues may feel the wrath of the attempted regime change, as the great reset takes place under the glow of the Pluto Saturn Jupiter conjunction that could be a timer for the giant killer that can topple empires and create new ones.

Whatever happens, let’s just be prepared for anything, and even if we prepare for the worst, which we should on all fronts right now, we can still hope for the best. Where there’s a will to meaning and a stoic understanding of life, one will endure even the prisoner of war camps as Maslow found out and later went on to found his philosophy on. We are living in interesting times, which makes us a rare epoch or generation, to be alive during the great reset. Let’s keep an eye on the stars to guide our way as we sail these seldom charted seas, like Columbus seeking the New World. It’s a whole new world unfolding as we live and breathe, so let’s make it a brave one, one that we will to proud of when leaving behind a legacy, one worth fighting for, and one worth dying for, as all of us will in our own time and at our own pace.

(image pixabay)

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