My hive Introduction post

picture of me


Hello everyone my name is JOY OGBULO and I am from delta state.
I grew up in Port Harcourt but spent most of my childhood in Lagos and Calabar. I Am the eldest and am followed by my two younger siblings.

I am a fashion designer by profession,I make female clothing,bags etc . I believe that When life gives you lemon, make lemonade. When life puts you in an awkward situation, don’t accept it but work towards turning it into your favor. Life was falling apart for me, I was at an emotional low that was taking its toll. When my life seemed to be falling apart. However, I decided to turn the situation in my favor. I took the difficult time as an opportunity to enroll for a fashion designing course, my long lost passion. I took a loan from a bank and I traveled to bayelsa
I never thought I could stay in any other state but port Harcourt,based on how attached to my parents I was. But I took a bold step of traveling to further educate myself and find some emotional stability.

Why did I choose to travel to bayelsa?

Because my grandmother was there and she still is one of my biggest inspirations,
She would tell me little stories about the city and how she rose from nothing. I was always fascinated so much that somehow I knew that Bayelsa was where I wanted to be at the time. When I finally arrived, without any contact but grandmas, because she was the only person I knew back then.
It was not easy to survive but I was ready to face challenges. “Initially it was a hell lot of struggle. More of an emotional conflict.” I had limited finances, just enough to survive only for a month or two. I didn’t give up and within two months I got myself a part-time job and I pursued learning while working.

picture of me

My first part-time job was at a convenience store. Though it was challenging, it was one of the best work experiences. I had learned a lot about marketing and life in general by working in that small store. And I realized that no work is small. The smallest thing, experience or work can teach you something big. It is completely your positive thinking and your hard work that can make all the difference.” After a couple of part-time jobs here and there for about six months, and after completing my fashion designing course,
I was able to pay back the loan I got from the bank.
I found myself a full-time designing job there, based on my work experiences. I enjoyed this profession and wanted to further educate myself. There was no looking back for Me after that.
Against all odds, I thrived.

I accepted and faced challenges in my journey.
I believe in enjoying little things in life. Am Very social but at the same time I could sit at home on a weekend and read a book or two. Sometimes when I feel like I have nothing left to give, and no matter how hard I try, I keep hitting roadblocks that seem to hold me back.
Grandma would always say "the matter of fact is, if i can overcome the obstacles presented to me and keep pushing through the bad times, I will find the success within myself to create something worthwhile.

It isn’t always easy trying to reach the top, but when you’re thinking about giving up, remember that There’s Always Someone Working Harder Than You Are. Even if you think you’ve done all you can, you’re wrong. Everyone has a dream, goal and motivation.
It just depends how far you're willing to go to get what you want". So I live and learn based on grandma's lessons.
Knowing that Nobody’s Perfect. We are all human. Realizing that to make a mistake is only part of the battle to that ultimate goal.

picture of me

Learning and moving forward comes from doing something wrong and being told how to do it right. However, today I feel that as life takes me through happy and painful moments and as we grow in years our ability to manage emotional pain reduces, we feel more keenly and sharply;. So I learned to understand my challenges and their limitations so much better. the introspection, the deep thinking and awareness of my backgrounds.
Every weekend grandma would sit me down and say "Success Isn’t Rewarding If It’s Easy.

Reaching that ultimate goal should be a special moment.
If it wasn’t the hardest thing in our lives, then we wouldn't have achieved it. Knowing that we did everything we could for ourselves and others to earn that goal should be more rewarding than the actual honor itself. Behind every successful person, there is a story and a long-fought journey for him or her to get to where he or she is today.

picture of I and my friend

So I learned to understand that When someone says you can’t do something, show that you can.
Read more, write more, know more and work harder than the person next to you. If he or she runs two miles, run three.
If he or she spends four hours working on a project, spend eight.
Actions speak a lot louder than words, so instead of complaining and sulking about others perceptions of me,I channel all that energy on working more on myself. I now reside in Port Harcourt...I've been to Akwa Ibom state when my immediate younger brother had his matriculation. I also have been to Lagos, as a Child we were always moving due to the nature of my dad's job..and I traveled to Enugu and Aba from time to time to buy supplies and materials for my work. When I enrolled for my course,while in class or whenever I was assigned a task I would mostly listen to burna boy or 2face because I feel I could relate to their struggles based on the lyrics of their songs.

My favorite kind of food would be
— jollof rice,
— Banga soup.

My favourite kind of fruit is
— 🍉 watermelon.
— 🍎 apple

My Favourite kind of movies would be
— power
— game of thrones
— lord of the rings
— John wick.

I joined this group because I love to write and I love to have fun.

to expand my perspective and to get exposure to other possibilities.

I want to stay engaged with the world, to believe that I have a place in the world and ideas to offer.
To focus on my self-development and pursuit of happiness.

and I also want to say a big thank you to @blacktarri for helping me in.

Thanks everyone here for having me

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