Newbie Alert, The Emergence of A New Hivian

Hi there,

I am John Adegbe preferably called John G-AuRa, a Son of God, a creative, copy/content writer, entrepreneur, business coach, citizen of Nigeria and I can keep going on and on about my amazing personality.

It is quite obvious that I am many things and different things to different people and I am elated to be on this platform as this is my first post and I'd like to establish myself here as a writer of excellence.

I have gone through many posts and articles written on this platform and I only got more convinced that I made the right choice by affiliating with other hivians on this space.


Born on the 14th day of June as the first son to the family of Stephen Adegbe in Kogi state, Nigeria, I had a rather silent childhood.

Initially, in my kindergarten I was not the brightest of kids majorly because I was an introvert but as I grew up, my quest to know God brought me out of my shell leading me to become one of The best students in my Primary and Secondary school.

My hands have been taught to work since I was a child. I realized I had a flair for creativity in terms of colours, drawings, writing, singing. I guess the only genre of The Arts that is strange to me is acting.

Currently, I am a student of Biochemistry in the Prestigious University of Ilorin, Kwara state,Nigeria.

My undue Advantage in the Arts did not stop me from gaining more knowledge and improving in my skills and giftings as I began to take courses in writing and entrepreneurship.

I had the privilege of having an aged writer in The Netherlands, Sir David Hill as my writing tutor, Mrs. Maria Gill as my editing tutor and Nour Boustani as my Business tutor. The lessons learnt from these Great men and women have spurred me on to share my wealth of knowledge with all who care to engage and also to take on a lot of jobs.


My Love for creativity began in my early days as a child and it spurred me on to a journey of self discovery where I began to unpack the various packages God had fitted into my person when He was to send me to Earth. In that journey, I realized I could Draw, paint, create eye-catching graphics design, play the keyboard and the guitar, and also write.

I have received a good number of compliments from the readers who engaged in my first hand written play, YOU AND I, a two season Love story I had worked on in my secondary school days. So I decided to improve my skill set by touching writing. These improvements have led me to gaining jobs with a lot of companies and individuals all around the world.

I've worked for the American based company, Incomediary,

Nigerian based music Tech platform, Porch Music Box,

I have also done a bit of academic writing with a China based academic firm,

Nigerian based media platforms like Xboffin Media and also other jobs in remote settings.

My experience with each and every client was unique. Working for hours on my phone or laptop, trying to meet deadlines, marinating my expertise into my work and ensuring it meets up to the required standards. These experiences have shaped my attitude towards writing and have also brought in a few bucks.


When I'm not working on a Project (which is very rare) and I'm not writing for fun, I love to sit at the keyboard and play to my satisfaction. Music is my way of relaxing. Also I love to take walks and enjoy the beautiful scenery Mother Nature has freely blessed us with.

Speaking about beautiful sceneries, I took a trip to 'The Confluence' in Lokoja, Kogi state, Nigeria just to relax and I was blown away by the awesome wonders of God. One could literally see the River Nigeria kiss the River Benue and not mix with it.

The recreational area erected near the Confluence made that experience exciting and refreshing for me. I hope to return there soon and write to us about my experience there. Probably take photos and share them with us too.


I hope to bless the members of this platform with the Wealth of knowledge I am gaining daily and have gained in God, The Arts, Business and the likes with Value marinated, original contents served with excellence to the core.

I am sure of this, that as you engage me here on a daily basis, your life as you know it will receive a Quantum leap and a shift in the right direction.




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