Can Vaseline get your dog's ticks out?


I've really bonded with Spot here. He's very intelligent which makes him hard to handle. My neighbor said they tried to adopt him, but he wouldn't listen to them. Since he's half husky he has way too much fur for this hot climate. He'll be the happiest dog in town for about two months in the winter, but his summers won't be fun. Maybe I'll take him somewhere cold like Colorado. It's a beautiful thing when a husky sees snow for the first time. It's like the wolf takes over and they go wild running and jumping around. It never snows in Laos, so he sadly may never know the feeling.


The way we adopt and raise dogs in the west is all wrong. We should see which dogs we naturally bond with, not just buy ones we think are cute. If they follow you then they follow you. If they don't, it wasn't meant to be. I think leashes are disgusting. How would you feel if someone dragged you around everywhere in chains like a slave? Would you really love them or would it just be a love born from fear? Spot trusts me and follows me everywhere, even across this scary bridge. I've had to teach him to never go in the street and he is super afraid of heights, but he's a brave dog. Except for being aggressive and pooping and peeing inside, I just let my dogs do whatever they want. If they want to smell weird stuff all day or run into the bushes, they can have at it. Just be prepared for those annoying sticky plants and ticks if they do.


Here's our first selfie together. I don't think he's ever seen himself before. He was quite fascinated by his image on the phone. I'll have to show him a big mirror and capture his reaction. I don't know how many months old he is. He is half Lao dog so I don't know if he gets way bigger or stays small. Either way, he will grow up to be a beautiful boy.


He just wouldn't stay still long enough for me to use the tweezers to get the ticks in his armpits out. Maybe he's ticklish. I remember a doctor telling me when I was a kid that you can use petroleum jelly to get ticks out. Even though their head is in the skin sucking on blood they still need to breathe and the jelly will cut off their oxygen supply and they will pull their heads out gasping for air.


I usually avoid cheap brands, but this one costs one-third the price. 7,000 kip is less than a dollar.


I didn't time it, but the ticks pulled their bloody heads out themselves after about a minute. I didn't get a chance to take a shot of any of the nasty creatures because Spot ate them including a bit of jelly. Fair enough. They were eating him, now he ate all of them and got some of his blood back.


Go back to sleep baby. Thank you for reading. Vaseline or petroleum jelly does indeed help remove ticks. You just need to use it liberally.

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