HELLO! Another Newbie On Hive


Cry! Black Child.

Like a Bird...
They called me a damaged little thing with odd colors.
I didn't fit in their perception of beauty.
Broken bones became normal to me, they laughed when I speak... maybe cause the spoke differently then I did.
Afraid of myself because I saw what they saw in me.
Freedom became foreign to my fragile mind.

My tears were my secret.
Never cry they all say.
Never let it out...

But that voice kept telling me to disobey them
Cry! Black child...
your tears they would worship.

They held me captive in chains then I saw it.
A black bird flying free.
Awing the sky with melody beyond my greatest imagination, amazed I stared with awe

"Do not cage ur tears black child, let them down."
It song......

And it starts of with little droplet but then came the storm rushing down.
I cried for my freedom
For a life I thought I would never have.
For the fear that ate me up...
For every pain my tormenter caused me.
And I drain the last of my pain through my tears, and when my wet eyes open.

I saw gold.
They were all frozen in statues of defined gold.
Beautiful...was it I had created.
Those who laughs and torture me no more.
My pain became my weapon.
My fear had no place.
It's throne stolen to victory and boldness
I was different yet the same.
And my weakness became my strength.

I am a black child.
My tears are never weakness
They are of gold.**



My name is Esther Sylvester Usoro, but you can call me jasper or jazper....got the name from the bible, and I wrote that poem up there👆....so let me give a brief summary of the the "Cry! black child" which is simply a version of me, like everyone of us who's just afraid of expressing their passion cause they are scared that it won't be good enough or cause they have made it up in their heads that people are gonna laughs, which some people do of course....they are so certain they will laughs at their pains and awesome moment when they finally get to express them.

So they caged themselves, hide what beautiful gold they have inside, and bring out Inner doubt and fear.

I started writing out of my imagination but it was just for myself and maybe my siblings and few people I hold dear to me...my deepest thought and feelings were good on a pen and book, or just in my head so I didn't really take it seriously till I found my purpose and I saw that I really did love writing, even when I'm lazy, uninspired, and procrastinating, I didn't want my dreams dead, so here I am because of that.

I'm from Nigeria, yes..and base in Awka ibom state, I'm a mix of a Yoruba and Awka ibom. I'm the first of 4 kids, myself being the first, my bros... Samson and Solomon then there's my cute little sis, Dorcas_ we all have what we good at, Samson loves to draw, and he's obsessed with animes', he wants to be doctor, Solomon loves anything he can destroy and create back or better, he loves cooking and wants to be an engineer, while Dorcas love writing like myself, dancing, she wants to be a pilot, ( We both love this Korean band BTS). Then there's myself I love writing poem, fictional books, cause I have a large imagination capacity, life experiences works too, I love editing but I'm not good at it yet, I want to take writing as a profession cause I would love to work in movie industry and make lots changes in it.... I'm also a lover for nature, one of my bucket list is to travel the world experiencing nature at her fullest, and getting to know other people's cultures.

I'm a final year student of philosophy major in uniuyo (university of uyo). I love the disciples maybe that's why I'm always curious to know how things work, why it works that way....and philosophy goes that far to expand ur knowledge, I just feel it doesn't get enough credits, imagination being the king of knowledge and wisdom and not being well respected, that's unfair... philosophy goes far as touching everything aspect of life, just your existence breaths philosophy, your thinking faculties present philosophy...it's the study of the totality of life...I'm gonna be practicing it more in all my works, the dilemma of life, problems we face on daily basis, and how having self awareness, flexibility, creativity, practical utility get us through life.... philosophy also touch not just the epistemology, metaphysical, ethical, but also the concept of aesthetic too... Beauty_ 'the beauti-ness of beauty'.

My skills;


Something i learn as a natural skill, is making hair, it comes natural to me, i see a person's hair and i'm looking at the possibility of making that hair neat, styled, beautiful healthy, natural as well, because one of a woman's pride and beauty comes from her hair...i just love making hair, it was a skill i learned from my mom when she did other people's hair, and there is my marketing, I can market whatever is marketable as long as it involves selling and buying, convincing people to see all the positive side effects of the product, I won't say I'm the best of the best, but I do my best in that too.

I love mysticism, I write about it... things that out of the ordinary, that are secret to the physical eyes...and I love nature and love the new knowledge I get from it. I'm obsessed with good songs...crazy even, I'm more into the heartbreaking kinda song well I just feel people put more emotions into it when they are broken, sad, even depressed, I try to picture their pains sometimes too.

My goals;

One of my dreams is to improve the current state of the Nollywood production of movies, i noticed that over the years Nollywood has improved better than how it use to be, but yet something is missing_ they have never been a realistic kind of edits when it comes to mysterious beings, like mermaids or ghosts for example, they still look fake as usual, that's because we over here comparing to the American, Chinese who take their time to invest their money and time into equipments that help to make a lot of things look realistic and better in their movies, we here don't do that, that's why most Hollywood movies are mind-blowing when it comes to mysticism. (I know alot of people would disagree with me, but it's a problem I have seen and it needs solution) so I'm hoping that as I move further in life, I would be able to bring in such energy, hardwork, time, equipments into Nigeria, where we don't have to move from one place to the other just for a movie shot rather we can be in the comfort of our company or just a place and act every parts of the movies.

Another thing I took note of is Hospitality...where we welcome and host people from other countries, make them feel like home right here in Nigeria, it's not like it's not happening, but if we do a proper statistics of foreigners who live in Nigeria comparing to Nigerians who live outside the country. We all know more Nigerians flee to live abroad then how foreigners live here.
And I think hospitality is the key, doing things that attracts people here, entertain them, make them feel like home, Nigeria...she is beautiful, the heart and soul of Africa, our beautiful dynamic cultures should should woah those who come to visit, and watch how things flourish like businesses....it's high time people outside see Nigeria as home, as a place to visit and spend vacations not the other way around.

But regardless I'm friendly... really friendly when you get to know me, I'm a bit to self sacrificing too...I love singing well almost every girl likes singing if I'm honest with you, I just click with the mood when I'm in the mood. I love stars for a weird reason, like what if the star is another universe that we don't know off...just imagine the uncountable amount of stars that other beings apart from us live in.... I'm weird in a good way, I enjoy movie only if there's no much of love, but more of action and magical stuffs... like the "Blue Avatar' yeah I love movies like that, have a bit of obsession with animes just like my kid bro, I love good cartoon infact I love cartoon more than movies sometimes.

Never smoked, got drunk once and it wasn't the best kinda of experience,..I'm a bit wild, I doubt if I'm an introvert cause I'm not scared to speak only in public gatherings I get nervous.

Also I think we don't see the aesthetically nature of ladies who are able to stand on their own. I envy woman of values. Woman who don't equal money to love, they are not entitled to a person's money all in the name of love. I admire men with visions not just dreams and talks but they work towards it....

I would be making reference to important books, songs, videos in my works..

Hive is like an open doors for me to not express myself but also address matters of daily our daily lives, like Plato...I won't just deal with the evolving world but also the world we can't grasp with our physically hands....the world of forms, imagination, a different world of creativity.
Special thanks to @somuchgrace and @uyobong for giving me such an opportunity to be here, I really appreciate the encouragement from @somuchgrace, you are a good friend indeed, also @uyobong for helping me through the process of getting my account, it was tough at some point cause my phone got stolen but the Almighty really wanted me to be here. Now I'm here with a new phone ready to gain new experiences.

Thank for welcoming me
hope I can be friends with everyone here..😋

All images are mine.... thanks


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