A double down investment in Hive and New Users

Over the past couple of days I've been making small investments in the future of Hive. We need to ensure that Hive grows and is easily accessible and used by more and more users. Here's what I've been doing.


Over the last little while, I've been working in the background on a project that we will be launching in the coming months. Building the team, requirements, business model, and coding. However, that's not what this is about, just wanted you to know I'm more invested beyond this effort.

What Am I talking about then?

I recently came across a post by @zord189, entitled Do you need help? (Hive Power Delegation For Newcomers) - make sure you read his post and give him a bump. In his post, he asks if you are a newcomer and in need of help.

We can all remember hitting Hive (likely Steem at the time) and setting out on our great adventure to only find we either could not post, upvote or comment as our power was too low to perform any sort of transaction more than once a day. It's frustrating when you get that account and are all eager to get going only to hit the, "not enough resource credits to complete this transaction," error. You may or may not have had that error depending on how you were on boarded.

Well, @zord189's post made me want to help and trail along in his effort. I decided to invest in new users and help them get started on Hive with an additional delegation. @zord189 gave users, that commented on his post, a delegation, I've gone and given an additional delegation to those new users. I thought it was a great way to help minnows and invest in the future of Hive.

To that end, I've set aside 1000 HP that I will constantly delegate to 10 new users that join Hive and just need a hand to get going. I'll be checking in on them monthly to ensure that they are active, posting and engaging on Hive. I want to make sure that the delegation is getting used to actively growing their account.

Here are the new users that I have delegated 100 HP to help.


Everyone that I've @ mentioned above please make sure you are active and engaging on the blockchain. Once you are up and running and on your own feet I'll pull the delegation and put it to use with another new account.

But that's only 9

Yes, only 9. So that leaves one more new Hivean to delegate out to.

If your account is new, less than two weeks old and you have less than 20 HP comment below with:

  1. who introduced you to Hive and
  2. a paragraph about yourself and
  3. a link to your intro post.

Grow Hive together - Hive is Alive

Wouldn't it be great if we all took 10 new users under our wings? Delegated to them and mentored them. Just imagine the ecosystem that we would have... I challenge all of you with a bit of spare Hive to do the same. Find 10 new accounts, delegate to them, point them in the right direction; tutorials, communities, example posts. Whatever you need to do to help them grow and thrive with however much you can afford to delegate.

Let's make Hive thrive together. Join me in a delegation trail, or start your own list.

On boarding

I've set up my HiveOnBoard link in all my posts in hopes that people will join Hive. I suggest that you do the same. Only thing I ask. When you onboard someone, even if you don't know them, delegate a little to them to get them on their feet and point them to resources to help, and be a resource. Let's not just on board. On Board, Engage and Follow-up.

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Stay Safe, Stay Healthy

images: pixabay

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