My Evening Walk on 07_31_2020 : Down by the Rivers Edge.


Here in Danang they have re-instigated the quarantine/lockdown. while I spend 90% of my day inside the house, gazing longingly out the window... I do try to get out for a small walk every night stretch the legs while engaging in social distance.

I find myself taking the same path each night, but I do take my camera and try to capture a few images from the walk.

Tomorrow evening I'll try to venture out a bit earlier and take a different route of additional photos for you guys and gals.

I hope you enjoy these photos. :)


  • Yes this is slightly different than the banner image above, I like this one a bit more as the motorscooter was caught zipping past. When I get some more funds would like to invest into a tripod to do longer exposure shots like this.


  • this is a beautiful bridge to walk by, the colors gently changing, the reflection in the water. It inspires me when I see it each day!


  • Please excuse the slight blurriness of this image, like the way it looks except for the blurry bit, again I need to get a tripod or monopod to take with me.


  • I feel is the best shot of the evening, I think it's just because that little bit of water in the middle of the alleyway reflect light.

I hope you enjoyed some of these images my friends.
Please stay safe and remember to wash your hands!

Much love, your boy Jacuzzi.


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