Take away that barrier and go to the top.

A lot of very successful people today could had relaxed and keep complaining about lack , location, electricity, failed government, no parent/guardian to support but still the broke the chains of limitations and made their way to the top.

Stay away from those people who try to disparage your ambitions. Small minds will always do that, but great minds will give you a feeling that you can become great too.

Mark Twain

It's very common that a lot of us have some things that looks barriers, limitations which have potential reasons why you can't break forth when you consider these as barrier or hindrance before you, you would remain unproductive.

Things which could appear as hindrance on the way to the top include the following and not limited to;

1. Languages

2. Location

3. Education

4. Government policies

5. Health

6. Electricity

7. Family Background

Just to mention but a few , list won't finish. What ever you could see as a reason to remain low is an excuse you could break even if you want.


I started at some point in my life thinking I was in the wrong location of the world and I can't achieve any success where I'm. I was of the thought that it's only when I live for another country that I could achieve success. Was I ever right? Maybe I wasn't.
My life got a new shape after a read a book titled THE POWER OF LITTLE BEGINNING by David Ibieyomie I got informed and I had a rethink.
And I started something with what I had at hand as the bible book of Exodus 4:2 says

Then the LORD asked him, “What is that in your hand?” “A shepherd’s staff,” Moses replied.

Same question I asked myself and I had free land to cultivate, I had cutlass, I had hoe, I started farming, I grew basically the food crops eaten in my area. And things started turning around for good.

Those who grow their own food won't regret it.

No matter what you do, if you have a piece of land grow your own food there's a lot of benefits in doing so.
Most young people in my country won't do farming they see it as suffering but truly it's not.
I'm a student, a school teacher, a content creator and a farmer and I make out time for these.







My of Saturday's I work on my farm and this Saturday was for harvesting of cassava tubers. And when my sister and I returned we started peeling to enable us take it for grinding as it would be used for the preparation of #garri . NOTE the processing isn't the purpose of this article . The concern here is discover that which stands like a limitation on your way and shake it off and gets meet at the top.





All hands on deck to achieve success.
Another thing which I almost allowed to limit my journey as a content creator is high rate of internet connections and shot in supply of electricity yet I have not allowed it get to me .

If there are things that try to support your journey to the top shake it off, don't look at how big that reason might be, success is hidden in difficulties. No One makes success without stories of a little beginning. Ask anyone who is successful. And again successful people would want to help others to succeed.

Teaching is my profession, blogging is a passion and farming is a hobby for me.

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