My Introductory Post

Good day everyone, I am new to this platform, got introduced by a friend of mine in order to share my little at works to help me pass time until I am dome with scholl and ready to move on with something.
I am a proud Nigerian from Imo state whoch shows that I am from the tribe Igbo, but I reside in Lagos where I school at. The name of my school Ojo Senior High School and a student of the department of Art and also I am 15 years old who still indulge in Hair cutting as in Barbing just to keep my self busy and active.
As you all can see on a picture at the bottom of my post, that is a little carving done by my colleague in the workshop on my head.
Tomorrow by the grace of God I would be sharing my little work of Squidward's head with you. Goodbye for now






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