I feel unloved on hive

Since I have been posting on hive. I've never for once earned what others earn. I feel sad about it!. Nothing makes me feel unloved and bad about myself as seeing someone else make a hundred dollars for a single post and I can't even make ten dollars.


I'm sad because I'm not getting the motivation owritingf anything new and nobody cares. I'm stuck in a rut and the depression is real. It's hard to look at it everyday and still find the energy to write anything.

I have a story to tell, cause I have been working so hard to earn what I will earn. I have to admit that I'm so sad about the fact that my post never making the first page.

And now I see myself like this, untouch because of my effort to bring good content for everyone and for the sake of my followers. Though there are thousands of bloggers out there who are doing better.

The worst of it is the fact that I can't even do things to change it because I don't have the reputation. I don't want to beg for money!

I want somebody to just help me and get me back on my feet so that I'm not so depressed that I can hardly write anything worthwhile.

I'm not saying this for attention. I'm saying this because I actually feel it.
I have lost a lot of motivation because of lack of interaction and engagement on my posts. For a while I am still motivated and still post every day, but I feel as if no one cares. I comment and no one reciprocates.

I don't know the community to Post this, that is why I posted it on #ocd community. Tell me a better community to pour my heart out if you know one.

To the little that views this, thanks.

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